

Research on Group Events from the Perspective of Game Theory

【作者】 黄杜

【导师】 王敏;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 行政管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文认为,群体性事件作为一种显性的社会冲突现象,具有博弈性的特征,因此,本文开创性地利用博弈论来研究我国日益频发的群体性事件,利用博弈论的分析框架与分析模型,从博弈的要素出发,对群体性事件进行解构,以展现出它的动态发展过程,并有针对性地提出了破解目前群体性事件博弈非合作困境的路径,以期为现实中解决群体性事件提供一种新的视角。本文共分五章:第一章绪论,主要阐述了本文的研究背景和研究意义、国内外研究综述以及本文的研究思路与方法;第二章,介绍了群体性事件的内涵,包括群体性事件的定义、分类及特征;第三章,介绍本文的分析工具,包括博弈的定义、博弈的要素、几种博弈分析模型等;第四章,基于博弈论的视角,从博弈的四个要素(局中人、信息、策略、信息)出发,对群体性事件进行具体分析、解构;第五章,从博弈的四个要素出发,有针对性地提出了破解群体性事件非合作博弈的路径。

【Abstract】 This paper holds that, as a dominant social conflict, mass incidents is characterized by Game Theory. For providing a new perspective for coping with mass incidents, this paper unprecedentedly uses Game Theory to study the frequent mass incidents in our country, and summarizes the analytical frameworks and models of Game Theory to deconstruct mass incidents from the elements of Game Theory. In addition, this paper not only shows the dynamic development process of mass incidents, but provides pertinent methods for non-cooperative game of mass incidents.This thesis is divided into five chapters:Chapter One Introduction includes research background, research significance, literature reviews and research methods; Chapter Two introduces the connotation of mass incidents, including the definition, classification and characteristics of mass incidents; Chapter Three introduces the analytical tools in this thesis, including the definition, elements and analytical models of Game Theory;Chapter Four analyzes and deconstructs the mass incidents from the four elements of Game Theory (player, information, strategy, information), based on Game Theory perspective;Chapter Five provides pertinent methods for non-cooperative game of mass incidents from the four elements of Game Theory.

【关键词】 博弈论群体性事件合作博弈
【Key words】 Game TheoryGroup eventscooperative game
  • 【分类号】D61
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】2129

