

The Research on Sport Facilities Factor of China Capital City

【作者】 李光

【导师】 李艳翎;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 时代铸辉煌,盛世体育兴。在“国昌家盛”的背景下,体育将成为满足人民群众日益增长的物质文化需求的重要组成部分,国家也面临着从体育大国向体育强国迈进的新形势。国家体育总局公布的2007年《中国城乡居民参加体育锻炼现状调查公报》表明,我国群众体育较之其他发达国家群众体育还有很大的差距,“体育强国”的使命还任重道远。群众体育要开展,就要有开展群众体育的场地和设施,就要有对场地设施相关要素的准确把握。因此,研究我国体育设施要素的现实状况、制约因素和解决对策,是我国走向体育强国的“必修课”,具有十分重要的意义。本课题以社会经济转型期我国“国运盛,体育兴”为背景,以我国城市体育设施为研究对象,以“以人为本”的科学发展观作为指导,运用宏观的理论研究方法和微观的具体研究方法对研究主体进行了分析、归纳和具体操作;其中理论研究方法主要包括理论与实证相结合、定性与定量相结合、纵贯与横剖相结合的方法;具体研究方法主要有文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、个案研究法、数理统计法、逻辑推理法等。研究认为:(1)城市体育设施要素主要包括四方面:物质要素、文化要素、生态要素和制度要素。其中,物质要素是城市体育设施的核心,文化要素是城市体育设施的内显层,生态要素是城市体育设施的外显层,而制度要素则是城市体育设施的运行机制和保障。(2)我国省会城市公共体育场馆制度与经营模式已呈现多元化,群众体育开始成为“主角”,场馆开放面广,开放率需要挖掘,消费水平需要提高,资源利用率需要扩大。学校体育设施开始对外运营,运营项目很不平衡,管理水平低。社区体育造血机能差,经费不足。公共体育场馆、学校体育场馆和社区体育场馆建设有待完善。(3)我国省会城市文化要素表现不足。体育建筑尚无法成为本城市标志性建筑,与所在城市文化的融合不够。部分城市的部分体育建筑表现出极高的文化内涵,整体表现水准较低,差异明显。(4)我国省会城市体育设施自然生态表现出数量少,质量偏低,且分布不均,需按人居作出调整;文化生态建设对内不注重自身元素环保与和谐,对外忽视与周边系统寻求“共生”,和谐度偏低,且人文关怀不足;场馆设备传统化现象明显,更新慢,对新技术,新设备利用不高,资金不足也是原因之一。(5)我国省会城市体育设施在融资制度、建造制度、管理制度、使用制度以及监督机制上分别表现出“无法可依”、“法不可依”、“立法不明”、“有法不依”和“执法不严”等特点,政府需重视,监督需到位。

【Abstract】 Times create the splendid future, sports promoting during peace. Under the background of China’s flourishing and prosperity, sports will become an important part of satisfy people’s increasing needs of material and cultural enjoyment. State Sport General Administration announced《The communique of investigating the current situation of China’s urban and rural residents Participates in the physical training)) in 2007 indicate that, our country’s mass sports, compares with other developed countries, there is still have a long way to go. "Sports powerful countries"become a mission for a long way. To develop mass sports activities, the countries should provide adequate sports facilities and equipment, and should grasping accurately the related essential factors of sports facility. Therefore, the research on the real situation, restriction factors and countermeasures of our sports facilities elements, become a required courses of being a sports powerful countries, it has the extremely vital significance.China is in the economic and social transformation period, powerful country can promote the sports as the background, taking our urban sports facilities as the research object, taking the "people oriented" scientific developing view as directive guideline, using the macroscopic theoretical and microscopic research methodology, analyze, conclude and concrete operation the research subjects. This research combines theory and facts, as well as quality and quantity, vertical and lateral thinking in terms of methodology. The concrete research methods mainly include the method of documentary, expert interview, questionnaire method, case study method, probability method and logical discursion, etc.The main content of whole research is divided into six sections. The first part is an introduction. The second part is summary of our provincial capital city sports facilities. The third part is summary about present situation of our provincial capital city sports facilities. The forth part is about the restriction factors of our provincial capital city sports facilities. The fifth part introduces perfection countermeasures of our provincial capital city sports facilities. The last component is conclusion of the whole article。It shows that:(1)The elements of city sports facilities are mainly including four respects:Material factors、cultural factors、Ecological factors and system factors.In this four elements,the material one is the core of the city sports facility,the cultural one is the signicicant layers,the Ecological factors is the explicit layer and the system factor is the operating mechanism and guarantee.(2)The stadium system and business model of our provincial capital city show a trend of diversified development, mass sport become more and more important, the stadiums are open widely, it must enhance the opening rate, the consumption level needs to improve,we should fully utilize playground resources to enhance utilization rate. School sports facilities begin to open and operate to the public, the operation of project was unbalanced, and the management level was low. The hematopoietic function of community sport was bad, and the funds were insufficient. The construction of Public stadiums, school stadiums and community sport need to improve.(3)Our provincial capital city culture element is insufficient. Sport building is still unable to be the typical building of one city, the building and cultural integration need to improve. Some sport buildings in some city have high cultural connotations, the general standard was low, and it has obvious differences.(4)Our provincial capital city sports facilities natural ecological quantities are small, quality are low, and distributing not all, it could be adjust based on human settlement. The construction of ecological culture doesn’t pay attention to internal element’s environment protection and harmony. And it ignores external surrounding ecological system to develop symbiotic relations, harmonious degree is low, and the lack of showing loving care for humane.(5)Our provincial capital city sports facilities shows has no law to depend on, the law can not depend on, legislation unknown, have law not depend on, law enforcement is not tight, etc. on financing system, construction system, management system, use system and supervisory mechanism separately. This need government’s value and supervision need improvement.

【关键词】 城市体育设施要素机制对策
【Key words】 cityelements of sport facilitiesmechanismcountermeasure
  • 【分类号】G812.7
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】740

