

The Research on the Impacts and Management of Unexpected Natural Tourism Disasters

【作者】 李权阳

【导师】 徐飞雄;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 旅游管理, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 中国旅游业近20年来有了突飞猛进的发展,成为了国民经济新的增长点,而且发展势头十分强劲,发展前景十分广阔。但是旅游业是一个综合性、关联性和依赖性很强的产业,极易受到外部不可预测的因素影响。我国是世界上自然灾害发生最为严重的国家之一,由于全球气候变暖,近年来不断有突发性自然旅游灾害发生,给我国旅游业以重创。因此,迫切需要加强突发性自然旅游灾害的研究和管理。本文在国内外旅游灾害管理研究现状的基础上,探讨了旅游灾害、突发性自然旅游灾害和旅游灾害管理等基本概念,以大量的数据和事实全面分析了突发性自然旅游灾害对旅游业的影响。并以郴州市2008年冰雪灾害为例,进行了研究。从产业管理的角度提出了强化突发性自然旅游灾害管理的原则,及以下一系列强化突发性自然旅游灾害管理策略:(1)牢固树立灾害意识;(2)制定和完善突发性自然旅游灾害管理法律法规;(3)编制突发性自然旅游灾害的防灾规划;(4)建立健全突发性自然旅游灾害预警系统;(5)建立健全突发性自然旅游灾害应对组织体系;(6)建立健全突发性自然旅游灾害补偿机制;(7)建立健全突发性自然旅游灾害的灾后评估制度;(8)加强突发性自然旅游灾害管理的国际交流与合作。

【Abstract】 After its rapid development over the past 20 years, China’s travel industry has become a new growth point of national economy with very strong development momentum and an extensive perspective. In spite of this, we can not deny the fact that travel industry is a comprehensive industry which is closely related to and dependent on many other industries and sectors. So it is highly sensitive to external unpredictable factors. China is one of the countries in the world in which natural disasters happen frequently. In recent years, due to global warming, there have been continual unexpected natural tourism disasters which have caused heavy blows to China’s travel industry. Therefore, there is an urgent need to strengthen research and management of unexpected natural tourism disasters.Based on the study of management of domestic and international tourism disaster, this paper clarifies basic concepts of unexpected natural tourism disasters and tourism disaster management, analyzes impacts on travel industry by unexpected natural tourism disasters on a large amount of data and facts. This paper makes a study on 2008 Ice Disaster in Chenzhou City and puts forward, from the perspective of industry management, principles of strengthening tourism disaster management and a series of tourism disaster management strategies as follows:(1) Firmly establishing the disaster awareness;(2) Formulating and improving laws and regulations on unexpected natural tourism disasters; (3)making plans against unexpected natural tourism disasters; (4) Establishing and improving unexpected natural disaster warning system; (5) Establishing and improving response organization system of unexpected natural tourism disasters; (6) Establishing and improving a mechanism for unexpected natural tourism disasters; (7) Establishing and improving a post-disaster assessment system; (8) Strengthening international exchanges and cooperation on management of unexpected tourism disasters


