

A Research on Western Music’s Dissemination in China in Early Qing Dynasty

【作者】 肖承福

【导师】 张廷茂;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 中国古代史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 明清时期,伴随着大量西方传教士入华传教,中国历史上又一次出现大规模文化交流-西学东渐。中西文化由此不断接触、碰撞、互摄互融,中国音乐艺术文化出现了亘古未有的拓展。本论文以清前期社会历史为背景,立足于搜集到的文献资料,主要截取清前期西洋音乐东传为研究对象,并细化分成初期活跃、中期发展两个阶段,分别从西乐东传的路线、媒介、渠道等方面予以论述,以期能精略勾勒出当时中西音乐文化交流的历史原貌,透析其历史作用和地位。西方传教士以奇异的西洋音乐为手段,上取悦于君王、士大夫,下吸引普通民众,以间接实现在华传播基督教之目的。虽其传教色彩十分显明,但同时客观上也带来了西方艺术文化,促进了西方文化在华传播。由于中国传统观念文化与西方基督文化的巨大差异,中西双方文化冲突在所难免,音乐艺术文化交流范围、广度、深度等方面有限。但不可否认,这种交流对中西双方的音乐文化都产生了积极影响,顺应了世界文化发展的潮流,符合社会文化进步的趋势。

【Abstract】 Accompanied by a large number of western missionary into China to preach, another large-scale culture exchange, as was called Eastward Spread of Western Culture, appeared in Chinese history in Ming and Qing Dynasty. Hence with the constant contact, impact and fusion between Chinese and western culture, there was an unprecedented development in Chinese music art culture. In order to outline the historical form of the music culture exchange between China and western countries accurately and analyze its historical function and status, this paper, based on the background of early Qing dynasty’s social history and the collected documents, mainly intercepts the eastern spread of western music in early Qing dynasty as the research object and discusses the route, medium and channel of western music to China respectively by refining it into two stages, which are the active initial stage and the development intermediate stage.In order to achieve the purpose of spreading Christianity in China indirectly, Western missionaries took extoric western music as a means to please the up-class king and gentry and attarct the low-class ordinary people. Although with obvious preaching bankground, them also brought western art culture objectively and promoted the spread of western culture in China. Because of the huge differences between Chinese traditional culture and Western Christian culture, cultural conflict was inevitable for both of them, which limited the scope, breadth and depth of the exchange of music art culture. Undoubtly, this kind of exchange had a positive impact on the music culture for both sides,complied with the world culture development current and conformed the social culture progressive tendency.

【关键词】 清前期西洋音乐路线媒介渠道
【Key words】 Early Qing DynastyWestern musicRouteMediumChannel
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

