

Flower Trace Literature Prize and the New Generation Writers of Malaysia

【作者】 朱敏

【导师】 王列耀;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 1991年,马来西亚的《星洲日报》创办了花踪文学奖。实力雄厚的西马作家、参与角逐的旅台作家、异军突起的东马作家、层出不穷的新秀作家纷纷参与到花踪文学奖之中来。花踪文学奖给马华新世代作家们提供了一个展示自己能力的舞台,同时也给马华文坛带来了新的繁荣气象:由于花踪文学奖注重作品的马华本土属性,马华小说中的异族叙事也发生了相应的变化,主要具体表现在异族形象的变化上。虽然花踪文学奖给马华文坛带来了新的气息和动力,但是它的不足之处在于,在《星洲日报》极力宣传的背后,它并没有给马华文坛带来十分丰富的经典之作。只有在马华文学达到一种高度时,花踪文学奖才能将自己的作用发挥至极致。

【Abstract】 Sin Chew Daily of Malaysia foundered Flower Trace Literature Prize in 1991. It provided a stage for the new generation of writers of Malaysia to show their abilities: West Malaysia writers have powerful strength, Malaysian-Chinese writers in Taiwan took part in the race, East Malaysia writers sprung up everywhere, and rookie writers come out one after the other. Flower Trace Literature Prize have brought a great prosperity to the Malaysian-Chinese literature, because it focus on the local property of the literature, alien narrative in Malaysian-Chinese novels also occurred corresponding changes, specifically manifested in alien images. Although Flower Trace Literature Prize leaves Malaysian-Chinese literature altar new breath and impetus, yet it has not brought rich classic literature to the altar. Only when the Malaysian-Chinese literature reach a high level, Flower Trace Literature Prize can fully play its play to extreme.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

