

A Primary Research on the Urban Geography of Xiangshan County during Ming and Qing Dynasties

【作者】 张亚红

【导师】 吴宏岐;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 历史地理学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 广东省之香山县自宋代立县伊始,以“地狭”、“民贫”闻名,其历经明清两代,城镇发展异军突起,到清代中期一跃成为珠江三角洲地区的“大县”。香山县城镇的发展与兴盛固然与中国传统城镇特别是珠江三角洲的城镇发展有着共同之处,但作为明清两代控扼广东中路海防的核心城市,其自身又有着独特的发展演变轨迹。本文从历史城市地理学的角度,努力探讨明清时期香山县城镇体系发展的特点、城镇外部形态及内部空间结构的演变规律。全文由绪言、正文、结语、附录四部分组成。正文作为主体结构,由以下几个部分展开讨论。第一部分,从香山县城镇赖以生存与发展的自然和人文地理基础入手,主要研究明清香山县水乡泽国的生态环境和人文辈出的人文环境。第二部分,通过研究明清时期香山县城镇体系的形成与发展,得出结论:香邑在明代已形成一级城镇(县城)、中心城镇(前山寨城、巡检司城镇)和墟市的三级城镇体系,到了清代略有变化,演变为一级城镇(前山寨城、县城)、中心城镇(巡检司城镇)和墟市的三级城镇体系;随着国内外大的政治环境的改变和香邑本身经济的发展,及至清末,由于行政区划调整等多方面的原因,香邑一级城镇数量有所变化,城镇体系又演变为以县城和市镇为中心的二级体系。第三部分,主要研究明清时期香山县城的外部形态和内部空间结构,这是本文的核心内容。前者通过研究香山县城城池建设和城外街区的扩展,分析了香山县城外部形态演变的特点和原因;后者主要从政治、信仰、文教、商业和经济空间四个部分研究了香山县城的内部空间结构,并得出其如此布局的原因和特点。第四部分,主要通过对典型城镇——前山寨城的研究,分析极具军事特色的城镇如何构建外部形态和设置内部空间结构。本文通过对明清时期香山县域城镇地理发展的初步探讨,以期能够加深人们对珠江三角洲东岸地区城镇发展特点与规律的认识,并为当前中山市和珠海市的城市发展与文化建设提供有益的借鉴。

【Abstract】 Since the establishment of Xiangshan County of Guangdong province in the Song Dynasty, it is famous for its "Barren land" and "poor people". Xiangshan County has experienced rapid development in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and became the "big county" of Pearl River Delta region in the mid-Qing Dynasty finally.Although the development and prosperity of Xiangshan town and other traditional Chinese town, in particular the Pearl River Delta cities and towns had in common, as the core city of coastal defence geography of Canton Intermediate division during Ming and Qing Dynasties, it had its own unique evolution track. The author efforts to explore the characteristics of the development of urban system, urban external and internal spatial structure of the evolution law of Xiangshan County in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, from the historical perspective of urban geography.This paper consists of four parts:introduction, body, conclusion, appendix. As the main structure of the body, the following parts will be discussed.The first part, from the basics of natural and human geography of Xiangshan town which is its survival and development, Mainly research the environment famous for flooding rivers and lakes and human environment famous for many talents of Xiangshan County in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.The second part, by studying the formation and development of urban system of Xiangshan County in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, concluded as follows:Hong Yap had formed a town (county seat), center town (the former cottage city, town Inspection Division) and the market town of three urban system in the Ming Dynasty.to a slight change in the Qing Dynasty, evolved into a town (the former cottage city, county), central cities (towns Inspection Division) and the market town of three urban system; with the domestic and international political changes in the environment and economic development of Hong Yap itself, up late Qing Dynasty, due to adjustment of administrative divisions and many other reasons, Hong Yap a number of cities and towns are subject to change, urban system has evolved with county and town as the center of the secondary system.The third part, Mainly research the external morphology and internal spatial structure of Xiangshan county in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, which is the core of this paper. The former make an analysis of morphological evolution of Xiangshan county characteristics and causes, by studying the outside city street construction and expansion of Xiangshan county; The latter mainly research the internal spatial structure of Xiangshan county from the political and religious, cultural, educational, commercial and economic space of four parts. Moreover, research its causes and characteristics of such a layout.The fourth part, Mainly through the typical town-the former city of cottage, Making an analysis of how to build a set of external morphology and internal spatial structure for a town of great military characteristics.Based on the preliminary discussion on the development of urban geography of Xiangshan County in Ming and Qing Dynasties, with a view to deepen the understanding of characteristics and rules of urban development in the east bank of the Pearl River Delta region. In addition, provide a useful reference on urban development and culture for Zhuhai, Zhongshan City Currently.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

