

Study on Zheng Shanfu

【作者】 王勇

【导师】 史小军;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 中国古代文学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文在掌握大量第一手材料的基础之上,对明代诗人郑善夫的家世、生平、人格特征进行了深入、细致的考察,考订了郑善夫的著述以及文集版本情况,论述了郑善夫的诗学理论及其诗文创作成就,并在前人的基础之上,对郑善夫与前七子复古派、阳明心学的关系,以及在明代闽中诗派的地位与影响等问题做了进一步的研究。本文的主要结论包括以下三点:一、郑善夫是前七子复古派中的重要成员,他的诗学理论与李梦阳、何景明等具有一致性,但更加注重对杜诗的学习,他的诗歌创作也是以学杜为主要特色,但也能够上溯汉魏六朝,并且有学宋的倾向。二、受阳明心学的影响,郑善夫晚年的诗学理论与诗歌创作都发生了较大的转变。三、郑善夫对明代闽中诗派的复兴作了重要贡献,是明代闽中诗派的中兴之主。文章最后有两篇附录:《郑善夫作品辑佚》、《郑善夫年谱》以供研究者参考。

【Abstract】 This paper is based on a large number of first-hand information. After an in-depth and detailed investigation into the Ming Dynasty poet Zheng Shanfu’s family, life, personality characteristics, it researches all of his works and the editions of his corpus, and discusses his Poetic theories, and his Poetry and prose Writing Achievements. On the base of previous researchers, it also makes a futuher research on the relationship between Zheng Shanfu and the Former Seven Poets, the relationship between Zheng Shanfu and Wang Yangming’s philosophy, and his status and influence in MinZhong Poetry Group in Ming Dynasty, etc.The main conclusions of this paper include the following three points:First, Zheng Shanfu was an important member of the key members of the Retro Group.His poetic theories were consistent with Li Mengyang, He Jingming and others’, but he was more focused on studying Du Fu’poetry, and it was also the main characteristic of his poetry writing. In addition, he also traced to Han, Wei and Six Dynasties’poetry and had a tendency of studying Song poetry. Second, under the affect of Wang Yangming’s philosophy, Zheng Shanfu’s Poetic theories and poem writing made a great change in his later years. Third, Zheng Shanfu made significant contributions to the revival of Minzhong Poetry Group in Ming Dynasty. He was the main revivalist of it.At the end of this paper, two appendices are referenced for researchers:"The recollections of Zheng Shanfu’s works", "The compendium of Zheng Shanfu’s Chronology’

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

