

The Study on High-tech Industry Diffusion Based on Growth Pole Theory

【作者】 黎思超

【导师】 杨英;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 国民经济学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 高新技术产业被视为区域范围内的增长极,大力发展高新技术产业不仅是培育我国经济新增长点,增强综合国力,而且更是调节经济结构,对传统产业进行升级的有效途径。通过研究高新技术产业的扩散,特别是其扩散的内容,挖掘扩散中的各种影响因素,以求更好地推动高新技术产业的扩散。本文运用增长极理论,从扩散效应出发,认为高新技术产业的扩散是通过来自社会和市场的宏观动力和高新技术企业方面的微观动力的合力,促使高新技术依托高新技术产品在企业间、产业间和不同地区上由技术集聚源到非聚集源的扩散传播。由此建立了高新技术产业扩散的基本分析框架,即从技术扩散、产业扩散和空间扩散这三个方面进行剖析,并认为此三方面的扩散是高新技术产业扩散的同一内容在三个层面的反映。之后,运用Bass模型,依照高新技术产业扩散内容对模型进行扩展,在模型中添加影响扩散的相关变量,解释和重新演示高新技术产业扩散的微观决策过程、宏观变化过程以及扩散动力对高新技术产业主体的影响,再以LED照明产业为例,对该产业扩散的动力和扩散的三方面内容进行分析。最后,文章依据扩散的内容及影响因素从鼓励自主创新及培育创新主体、完善技术市场和弱化区域界限三个方面提出了推动高新技术产业扩散的相关建议。

【Abstract】 Since high-tech industry has already been considered as growth pole, fully develop it is not only to cultivate new source of economic growth and enhance overall national strength, but also to adjust economic structure and be an effective way for upgrading industries. To study on high-tech industry’s diffusion, especially its content, and dig out relative effect factors for better promoting its diffusion in the future.The paper starts from growth pole theory and diffusion effect, and believes that diffusion of high-tech industry is high-tech products spreading through companies, industries and areas from technology aggregation to non-aggregation pushed by the resultant force, which contains social, market and business individuals’ force. By this definition analytical framework is set, which contains technology diffusion, industrial diffusion and space diffusion. Three of them are regard as the same high-tech industry diffusion’s content in three different aspects. Afterwards, the paper refers to Bass Model, and then expands it by using relevant influencing variables in order to explain and re-demonstrate microcosmic decision-making progress, macroscopically changing progress and diffusion motive power’s influence to the high-tech industry subjects. Moreover, take the LED industry as example, and analyze its motive power and three parts of contents. At last, some suggestions about encouraging innovation companies, maturing technology market and weakening geographical boundaries are given to promote high-tech diffusion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期

