

The Study on the Current Situation and Countermeasures of the Development of the Competitive Dragon Boat Race in China Based on SWOT

【作者】 王亭亭

【导师】 付进学;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 竞技龙舟运动是在我国民间传统龙舟竞渡的基础上,经过现代化的转型发展起来的。作为一项现代集体水上运动,竞技龙舟运动集民族特色与竞技精神于一体,受到世界各国人民的喜爱。目前,国际龙舟联合会成员已遍及世界五大洲60多个国家和地区,国际龙舟赛事口渐增多,竞技龙舟已成为世界龙舟运动发展的必然趋势。与此同时,我国竞技龙舟也面临欧美竞技龙舟实力迅速提升的严峻挑战。国家体育总局副局长冯建忠曾指出:将我国具有极大的象征意义和运动精髓的龙舟运动推向世界,在世界各地举办龙舟赛事,是对中国文化的最好宣传。因此,现阶段顺应国内与国际形势,大力发展我国竞技龙舟运动势在必行。在此背景下,对我国竞技龙舟运动的发展进行深入研究具有重要的理论和实践意义。本文基于文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法、逻辑分析法的基础上,运用SWOT分析方法,对现阶段我国竞技龙舟运动的发展进行了优势、劣势、机遇、威胁分析,研究表明:我国竞技龙舟运动的优势主要有政府支持;竞赛体系日趋完善;群众基础雄厚;项目魅力独特;历史文化底蕴深厚;赛事的举办具有多重效益。劣势主要为后备人才匮乏,人员结构老化;国际竞赛规则中西方思维的不利因素;竞技水平亟待提高;发展存在资金瓶颈;项口发展不平衡;市场化程度低。机遇主要有:竞技龙舟推广平台逐步扩大;经济持续快速发展,人们的休闲意识逐步提升;国家进一步重视端午节和龙舟文化;北京奥运会加深中国与世界的沟通与联系。威胁主要有:欧美竞技龙舟运动实力提升;其他相似水上划桨运动项口的竞争;城市化进程所引发的传统龙舟竞渡传承危机。本文在SWOT分析的基础上提出了发展我国竞技龙舟运动的对策:在政府的大力支持下,加强我国竞技龙舟运动的建设力度,通过改革训练体制、完善竞赛制度、加大科研投入力度等方式,提升我国竞技龙舟运动的技术水平;充分利用龙舟赛事在市场经济中的活力,以赛事为发展龙头,加快龙舟运动的市场化、产业化进程,拓宽其生存和发展的空间;大力发展高校竞技龙舟运动,借助各种宣传媒介,加强对龙舟运动的宣传,加大对龙舟运动的社会普及力度;坚持“两条腿走路”,在发展竞技龙舟的同时,继续大力发展传统龙舟竞渡;借助龙舟运动推广平台扩大、国内与世界沟通日益加深的有利契机,扩大对外交流,发扬龙舟文化,增强龙舟运动在世界上的影响力。

【Abstract】 The sport of dragon boat race, which origins from the Chinese festival tradition of racing dragon boats on the rivers, develops into what it is today through modernizations and transformations. As a modern water team sport, the competitive dragon boat race enjoys a great deal of popularity among the people around the world, largely due to the fact that it combines the national spirits and competition spirits together. Now, the memberships of the International Dragon Boat Federation prevail in 60 countries and regions in five continents, and as the number of competition events increases gradually, it is a certain trend that the competitive dragon boat race be a worldly event. At the same time, the rapid increase in the strength of European and American dragon boat racing poses a great challenge to China’s competitive dragon boat race.Deputy director of the General State Sport Administration Feng Jianzhong pointed out that the dragon boat racing is a sport full of significant symbolism and sportsmanship in China, thus the race should be held all around the world, and that the promotion of this race will greatly contribute to the promotion of the Chinese culture. Hence the promotion and development of the dragon boat race is derived from both the domestic and international status quos. Under this circumstance, it is of important theoretical and practical significance to conduct profound research in the field of development of China’s competitive dragon boat race.This study utilizes many methods such as literature、expert interview、survey and logical and SWOT analysis to get a clear picture of the advantages、disadvantages、opportunities and threats the race faces currently in China. The study reveals several advantages as follows:the competitive dragon boat race in China is supported by the government; the competition system is getting complete and mature gradually; the race enjoys a huge popularity among the mass; the events of this discipline are unique from other boat races; the dragon boat race originated from a rich history; hosting such races has multiple profits. The intages are: lack of future talents combined with an old personnel structure, the shortcomings in the western tninking style, the level of race in bad need of uplifting, the difficulty in funding for development, and imbalance existed in the development of each discipline, and low marketing level. However, there also exist the opportunities for dragon boat race, for instance, there is a huge platform for the promotion of the sport; China’s economic growth is rapidly increasing; people now generally have the awareness of fitness and recreation; our country now attaches more importance to the Dragon-boat Racing Festival and the dragon boat culture what’s more, after the Beijing Olympics, the connection between China and the world is deepened. The threats to the development of the race are:European and American teams have improved their boat racing strength; the competition between dragon boat race and other similar races is fiercer than before; and the urbanization triggers the dangers in passing of this traditional sport from one generation to another.With the utilization of SWOT analysis, this paper put forward some measures to be taken in order to develop the competitive dragon boat race in China. First, with the support from the government, there must be restructuring in the training and competition systems of dragon boat race. The technical level can be raised through increasing the scientific input in the race. Second, the competitions of the race should be enhanced as a leading task so as to speed up the industrialization and marketing of the dragon boat race, which in turn would benefit the future survival and development of the race. Third, dragon boat race has huge space for development in high schools, timely with the support of the mass media so that more people will get access to this sport. Fourth, grasp the traditional dragon boat racing while developing the competitive dragon boat race. Fifth, good communications and exchanges with the world is beneficial to the promotion of the race culture, thus increasing the influence of the dragon boat race in the globe.


