

The Analysis of Pen-hold Table-tennis Player WangHao and MaLin’s Technique and Tactics under Organic and Inorganic Glue

【作者】 庞赓

【导师】 刘丰德;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 直拍进攻型打法为我国的传统打法,为我国乒乓球的长盛不衰做出了突出贡献。随着该打法的不断创新,并创造性的引入了直拍横打技术,中国乒乓球队又培养出马琳、王皓两位世界顶尖选手。由于国际乒联宣布于2008年9月1日起,全面实行无机胶水,而无机胶水对击球的力量、速度、旋转均会产生较大影响,因此势必会对运动员技战术产生影响。所以,加深直拍选手在使用无机胶水情况下技战术变化的研究,已经成为一项急需解决的任务。文章的目的就是通过对马琳、王皓在使用有机胶水和无机胶水条件下技战术的使用情况进行统计和分析,总结出一些规律性问题,为马琳与王皓更快的适应无机胶水,而延续自身的运动辉煌提供科学的理论与参考依据。文章通过文献资料法、录像观察法、数理统计法、对比分析法以及逻辑分析法,就马琳、王皓使用无机胶水之前和之后的比赛进行深入的剖析和研究,并得出以下结论:1.使用无机胶水后,王皓的三段得分率都超过使用有机胶水时期,即使用无机胶水后,王皓的整体水平全面上升。综合胜负局可以看出,在胜局上,使用无机胶水比使用有机胶水从总体得分率上略有提高,在相持段上相对明显。再负局上,使用无机胶水后的接抢段得分率相对于使用有机胶水有明显提高,在接抢段和相持段上虽都有下降,但未产生明显的差距。2.王皓使用无机和有机胶水在发球轮上最大的区别在于,使用无机胶水,第一、三、五板以成为王皓一个稳定的得分链,由于这条得分链的存在,使得无机时代,王皓的整个发球轮的优势十分明显,而使用有机胶水,王皓发球轮中,除了发球以外,其余各项技术的表现都有起伏,从而导致整个发球轮都并不稳定。在接球轮王皓第二、八板及之后的整体能力都有一定的下降,但第四板整体实力提升较多。第六板的整体实力略有提高。3.使用无机胶水之后,马琳三段使用率略向相持转移,但得分率均处于全面下滑趋势,接抢段最为明显。4.马琳使用无机和有机胶水在发球轮上最大的区别在于,使用无机胶水后马琳的发球的威胁有所增加,第三、五板的威胁总体有所下降,第七板之后整体实力基本不受影响。接球轮中,实行无机胶水之后,马琳第二、四板都呈现出下降的趋势,第六、八板是其劣势,得分都低于失分,使用率增加,但是得分能力下降。

【Abstract】 Pen-hold attacking style is traditional in China, making great contribution to the flourishing of our table tennis. With reverse pen-hold backhand being creatively introduced into this kind of playing, Chinese table tennis team has natured two world’s top players, Ma Lin and Wang Hao. International Table Tennis Federation announced that inorganic glue must be put into comprehensive use on September 1st 2008. Inorganic glue can exert a profound influence on strength, speed and spin of stroke, which would influence players’ technical and tactical performance. So, it becomes an emergent task to deepen the researches on technical and tactical changes with the use of inorganic glue. Set against this background, the article makes a technical and tactical analysis of Ma Lin and Wang Hao using organic and inorganic glue through methods like video observation, mathematical statistics and logical analysis etc. It aims at finding the patterns and features of the changes of tactics and moves with the use of inorganic glue, providing scientific theories and references for quicker adaptation to inorganic glue and for continuity of the glorious achievement in terms of sport. The results presented in this paper indicate that1) After the application of inorganic glue, the focus of Wang Hao’s competition transferred, on the whole, to the final four. The using rate of serving stage and sustained-rally stage declined, the receiving stage raised, and the scoring rate also increased on the whole. In sets won, the whole scoring rate was higher than that in the era of organic glue, with the sustained-rally stage being the most outstanding. In sets lost, the scoring rate of receiving stage increases and that of serving stage and sustained-rally stage declined, although no obvious differences emerged.2) After the application of inorganic glue, on the first, third and fifth strokes of Wang Hao’s service, he brought his skill into full play with the obvious advantage which had become a stable score point and also a remarkable feature differentiating that in the era of organic glue. In opponent’s service, the focus was on the second and fourth strokes. His overall level and capacity declined on the second and eighth strokes whereas his comprehensive techniques increased on the fourth and sixth strokes, especially the fourth one. In sets won, the core of the competition transferred to the former six strokes. His scoring abilities declined on the second, eighth strokes and later time, especially the second one, but increased obviously on the fourth stroke. In sets lost, his scoring abilities increased on the second stroke but declined on the sixth, eighth strokes and later time, especially the sixth one. And his stability declined on the fourth strokes.3) After using inorganic glue, Ma Lin had longer sustained rally. However, the scoring rate in the stage of attack after serve, attack on serve and sustained rally declined; among them the decline in attack on serve stage was most obvious. In sets won, the using rate of attack after serve, attack on serve and sustained rally had slight variation; but the scoring rates in attack on serve declined while the scoring rates increased in the sustained-rally stage. In sets lost, the using rate of attack after serve and the scoring rate remained about the same; both rates declined to some extend in the attack on serve stage; as for sustained-rally stage, the using rate increased but the scoring rate dropped further.4) After the application of inorganic glue, in Ma Lin’s service, the threat from his serving to the opponent increased in general but declined on the third and fifth strokes His techniques was not affected since the seventh stroke. In sets won, the threat from his serving declined, his scoring abilities increased on the third and fifth strokes and the ability to protracting with his opponent declined since the seventh stroke. In opponent’s service, there was a downtrend of Ma Lin’s overall capability on the second and fourth strokes. And he was reduced to inferiority since the sixth stroke with increasing using rate and decreasing scoring rate.


