

The Analysis of the Relationship between National Tennis Team and Its Stakeholders

【作者】 张哲

【导师】 陶志翔;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 教育训练学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,随着国际网球职业化对我国竞技网球的深入影响,国内网球领域在举国体制下存在的一系列问题逐步显现出来,尤其在网球运动管理中心、运动员、教练员等竞技主体上,各个主体之间的利益矛盾较为突出。目前,国内关于体育利益方而的研究在足球、篮球等职业化程度高的项目上已经有了诸多的学术成果,但是针对网球项目的研究相对较少;而竞技网球中存在的问题却日益增多,各个利益体系之间的矛盾尤为突出。如何解决现行的矛盾、如何对竞技网球体制进行改革是国内网球界面临的新课题,而解决问题的关键则在于探明运动员、管理中心、教练员等竞技主体的利益模式及其之间的利益关系。本文主要通过搜集并阅读国内外利益相关者方面的文献资料,运用专家访谈、问卷调查等研究方法,结合对调查结果及相关事例的分析,对以国家网球队为中心的利益相关者体系进行细致研究,得出以下结论:1.在我国的举国体制之下,网球运动管理中心、运动员、教练员、赞助商等各个利益相关者有着各自不同的价值取向和利益需求,利益兑现的形式与其自身的特点相对应,对利益的思考基本以自身为中心。2.利益相关者同国家网球队之间、各个利益相关者之间是一种互动的统一关系,互为利用,不可分割。利益相关者通过为国家队提供资源来证明和实现自我的价值,国家队则借助利益相关者的力量实现竞技目标;而各个利益相关者之间彼此为对方提供自己的能力,同时又借用对方的能力帮助自己实现目的。3.集体利益和个人利益之间存在矛盾冲突,国家网球队的利益相关者相互之间缺乏对对方的了解,对彼此的认知存在偏差,具有一定的对立倾向,需要及时沟通,在不违反客观原则的基础上实现各自的利益最大化。

【Abstract】 In recent years, as international tennis career on China’s competitive tennis in-depth the impact of domestic tennis areas in the whole nation under the system there is a series of questions being gradually revealed, particularly in tennis management center, athletes, coaches and other athletic main body, each of the main conflicts between the interests of the more prominent. At present, the domestic interests of the research on sports in football, basketball and other high degree of professionalism on projects that already has numerous academic achievements, but for the tennis project relatively little research; while problems in competitive tennis is increasing the contradictions between the various interests of the system is particularly prominent. How to solve the existing conflicts, how to reform the system of competitive tennis is the tennis community is faced with a new topic, but the key to solving the problem lies in proven players, management center, coaches and other athletic interests of the main model and between the interests of relationship.In this paper, and read through the collection of domestic and foreign stakeholders in literature, the use of expert interviews, questionnaires and other research methods, combined with the findings and the related case of the analysis, the national tennis team-centered system of stakeholders to conduct detailed study reached the following conclusions:1. The whole nation system in our country under the management center tennis, athletes, coaches, sponsors and various stakeholders have their own values and interests of different needs, interests in the form of cash and its own characteristics correspond to the interests of the basic thinking to themselves as the center.2. The interests of stakeholders and national tennis team among the various stakeholders is an interaction between the unity of the relationship between each other using indivisible. Stakeholders through the provision of resources for the national team to demonstrate and achieve self-worth, the team will leverage the power of stakeholders to achieve athletic goals; various stakeholders in each other to offer each other their abilities, while borrowing the other’s ability to help themselves to achieve the purpose.3. The collective interests and conflicts between personal interests, national tennis team among stakeholders lack of understanding of each other, understanding each other’s biased, with some opposing tendencies, the need for timely communication, without violating the on the basis of objective principles to achieve their maximum benefit.


