

Adjustment of Regular Public Transportation Network Based on Urban Rail Transit

【作者】 王玲

【导师】 李宗平;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国大力发展和建设城市轨道交通,其在公共交通体系中所扮演的角色越来越重要。轨道交通的开通运行,势必与沿线现有常规公交形成客流竞争关系。然而,无论是常规公交系统还是城市轨道交通,都因各自局限性而无法满足不同人群的出行需求。因此,只有将城市轨道交通和常规公交两者结合起来,适时调整常规公交站点及线网布局,才能充分发挥轨道交通的骨干作用及其整体效益,使轨道交通与常规公交系统最终达到“双赢”目的。本文首先对国内外城市基于轨道交通开行的常规公交线网协调的理论和实践研究进行总结综述,然后结合两大公交方式的技术经济特性进行客流分析和功能定位。从公交站点,公交线路及公交线网三方面研究了以轨道交通为核心的常规公交线网的布局调整问题。剖析了由点到线到面的常规公交线路的调整方法。在常规公交的站点协调优化中,以站点换乘客运周转量最大为目标,构建了接运公交首末站的优化选取模型,并以乘客总出行时间最小为原则建立最优站间距求解模型;从现有常规公交线路的调整和新增接运公交线路两个方面论述完成轨道接运任务的常规公交线路调整方法。以客运周转量的接运效率最大为规划目标建立接运效率模型。最后,以成都市即将开通运营的地铁1号线为背景,分析1号线沿线常规公交运营现状,给出了公交线路调整建议。

【Abstract】 With the vigorous development and rapid construction of urban rail transit, it plays a more and more important role in the public transport system in China. The operation of the rail transit will definitely compete with the existing conventional public transit. However, neither of them can meet the different demand of different kinds of people alone, for both of them have their individual limitations. Therefore, it seems that only by combining urban rail transit with conventional public transit, adjust the conventional bus station and network allocation appropriately, can the urban rail transit give full play to its effect and overall efficiency, so as to get a "win-win" situation for both the urban rail transit and the public transport system.This paper first makes a summary on the theory and practice study of the conventional public transit line and network corporation based on rail transit operation both at home and abroad. After that this paper carries out the passenger flow analysis and function orientation based on the technical and economical characteristics of the above two major public transport forms. Conventional public transit network adjustment problem with rail transit as the core has been studied from three aspects, which are bus station, bus line and public transit line network. The conventional public transport adjust methods have also been analyzed.In the conventional public transit station coordination and optimization process, using maximize the station transfer passenger person kilometers as the objective function, this paper built an optimal select model which can connect the origin station and the terminal station, and the optimal station spacing solving model has been built on the principle of minimum the total travel time of the passengers. This paper also discussed the conventional public transit line adjustment method to achieve the line feeder task from two aspects which are conventional existing public transport adjustment and newly increasing public transit feeder lines. Using maximize the feeder efficiency of the passenger person kilometers as the planning objectives, the feeder efficiency model has been built.Finally, this paper makes an analysis of the current operational situation of conventional public transit along the Chengdu Subway No.1 Line; adjust the surrounding bus station and the bus line alignment.


