

The Selection of Rescue Routes for Urban Roadtraffic Accidents Based on the GIS Technology

【作者】 朱春波

【导师】 唐智慧;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 安全技术及工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国城市经济和社会的不断发展,道路交通事故对人民的生命财产造成的威胁日趋严重。而我国对交通事故救援的措施相对比较脆弱,在处理交通事故过程中,事故分级不明确,组织流程不合理,技术设施落后等问题,导致救援效率不高。建立和完善道路交通事故救援系统是政府全面履行加强社会管理和公共服务职能的一项重要工作,也是构建和谐社会的一项重要任务。随着GIS技术的日益成熟,利用GIS技术和方法研究事故救援等相关问题,与其它传统方法相比,具有无可比拟的优点。本文根据城市道路交通事故救援路线选择的特殊性,在基于最短路径算法—迪杰斯特拉的基础上,结合GIS技术,提出了圆形框限制区域搜索算法。该算法旨在在交通事故发生后的较短时间里,选择最合适的救援路线和救援点,以减少事故所带来的损失。论文主要讲述了在道路发生交通事故时,对事故进行分级,针对事故的不同分级,采取不同的救援措施;在GIS环境下,利用实时采集城市中出租车行驶数据样本对道路交通状态进行判别;以道路交通状态判别为前提,在传统的最短救援路径算法的基础上,提出圆形框限制区域搜索算法;以地理信息系统为平台,结合VC++开发语言,实现对复杂空间数据的管理同时利用圆形框限制区域搜索算法建立基于GIS技术的城市道路交通事故救援路线系统;以公交车自燃事故为例,验证用圆形框限制区域搜索算法进行救援路线选择的正确性。

【Abstract】 With the social and urban economic development in China, the threat to people’s life and property caused by road traffic accidents is becoming increasingly severe. However, in our country, rescue measures for traffic accidents taken by relevant departments are relatively weak and rescue efficiency in dealing with such accidents is comparatively low because of such problems as unclear classification of accidents, irrational. processes of organization, backward technology and facilities and so on.The establishment and improvement of rescue system for road traffic accidents are the government’s important task vital not only to the fulfillment of its functions of improving social administration and public services, but to the construction of a harmonious society. Compared with traditional methods, the increasingly matured GIS technology has unparalleled advantages in the study of accident rescue and other related issues.By taking into consideration the peculiarity of the choice of rescue routes for urban road traffic accidents, based on the Dijkstra algorithm to calculate the shortest path and combined with GIS technology, this paper proposes the Radius-Coverage Algorithm(RCA) to identify the best route and candidate of rescuing team. This Algorithm aims at locating the most effective rescuing route shortly after an accident and greatly reducing the loss incurred by the accident.This paper elaborates how to use RCA when accidents happen:taking different rescue approaches accordingly after classification of accident is determined at the first place; making a judgment of current traffic status based on traffic information derived and collected from real-time sample data of taxis running on street within GIS; applying RCA in finding the best rescue route while still taking reference from the conventional shortest-path algorithm; while managing complicated traffic data, building a road accident rescuing system by taking GIS as a platform combining with both VC++ language and RCA; examining the validation of RCA in case of spontaneous burning of a bus.

  • 【分类号】P208;U491.31
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】344
  • 攻读期成果

