

Design and Realization of Urban-Rural Land Use Planning Integration Information System Based on AE

【作者】 许懿娜

【导师】 李永树;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 地图制图学与地理信息工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 为了提高土地利用规划与管理工作的效率,一批覆盖国土资源规划主要业务的信息系统及相关基础数据库相继建成并投入使用。但这些系统大多只涉及某一特定应用,导致规划数据分散且不易共享,严重制约了规划部门之间的数据和业务流通。为此,利用现代的计算机、数据库、空间信息特别是GIS等技术,将各个独立的、分散的系统和数据库整合起来,建立一个统一的城乡土地利用规划集成平台,实现海量数据的跨部门共享显得十分必要。本文在分析当前土地利用规划业务需求的基础上,利用计算机、数据库、GIS等技术,设计了一个基于组件的土地利用规划集成信息系统解决方案,并构建了系统的总体框架及用于多源海量数据共享的集成数据库模型。在此基础上,运用AE(ArcGIS Engine)组件包、ArcSDE空间数据引擎、ODBC开放数据库互连、SQL Server 2005大型数据库和VC#.NET编程语言二次开发实现了城乡土地利用规划集成信息系统。论文的主要研究内容和成果有:1.根据土地规划工作的数据特点和业务需求,对基于数据引擎ArcSDE及ODBC的多源数据集成模式和采用分层COM技术的业务功能集成模式进行了研究,并在此基础上设计了系统的总体框架。2.构建了土地利用规划集成数据库,着重研究了其中异源空间数据的提取、组织模式及实现属性数据关联的元数据表单和数据视图设计方式,实现了多源土地利用规划数据的联合调用。3.根据已设计的系统总体框架及集成数据库,基于ArcGIS Engine、ArcSDE、ODBC、SQL Server 2005及VC#.NET,编程实现了城乡土地利用规划集成信息系统。经实践表明,该集成系统用于国土部门规划工作,具有一定的实用价值。

【Abstract】 In order to improve the efficiency of the land use planning and management work, a batch of information systems and related basic databases have been sequentially built and put into use, with the covering range for main business of land and resources planning. However, most of the systems are designed for specific application, and resulting in the data scattering and sharing uneasily, the data and business circulation between planning departments is seriously restricted. Thus, it is necessary to build an integrated platform for urban-rural land use planning based on the conformity of each independent, dispersed system and database, using the modern technology of computer, database, spatial information, especially GIS, so as to share massive data.According to the analysis of the needs of land use planning operation, a solution for land use planning integration information system based on ComGIS is put forward, using technologies such as computer, database, and GIS, the general framework and integrated database for mass of shared data is constructed also. On the basis of this, AE (ArcGIS Engine) component package, ArcSDE spatial data engine, ODBC Open Database Connectivity, SQL Server 2005 large database and VC#.NET programming language, are chosen to realize the urban-rural land use planning integration information system. The main research contents and achievements of the thesis is depicted as follows.Firstly, according to the characteristics of data and the needs of land use planning operation, the data association integration mode with data engine such as ArcSDE and ODBC, and the function modules integration based on stratified COM technology are introduced. Then, the general framework for this system is designed.Secondly, the integrated database for land use planning is constructed, the data extraction and organization mode for heterogeneous source spatial data, and the design mode of meta data form and view for attribute data integration are researched especially, then the combined invocation for multi-source data of land use planning is realized.Thirdly, with the existing general framework and integrated database, the land use planning integration information system is programming realized, using ArcGIS Engine, ArcSDE, ODBC, SQL Server 2005 and VC#.NET. Practice shows that this integration system is more or less practical for planning of land departments.


