

The Study of Battlefield Situatuion Information System Based on GIS and RS

【作者】 谢卫

【导师】 倪少权;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 战场态势信息系统是以战场地理环境数据和作战态势数据为管理和处理对象,并对战场态势信息数据进行接收、管理、存储、查询、统计、分析和共享的综合性系统。地理信息系统(GIS)技术的引入,使得战场信息管理进一步迈向了信息化、数字化时代,成为各级领导实时掌握千里外战场局势的强有力工具。遥感(RS)技术的引入和实时更新进一步丰富和精确了信息化战场。目前战场态势信息系统种类繁多,但都是基于矢量地图数据为基础研发,其数据特点决定了其潜在问题是数据精度不够高、更新速度慢等。随着卫星遥感技术的发展,获得某地区的遥感图像数据也日益容易,甚至可以根据需要及时获取某机场、港口等军事要地的精确数据,如何运用这些数据是本文研究的重点之一。这涉及到:矢量数据和栅格数据的匹配;动态的刷新和漫游大数据量的遥感图像数据;以及解决战场地理环境信息与作战态势信息的融合与集成,特别是战场态势信息的获取、存储、管理等问题。因此、科学的对战场态势信息进行研究并建设、研发其系统,具有十分深远的意义。本文以GIS的二次开发平台ArcEngine和面向对象编程环境VC++6.0为平台,以战场态势信息系统的研究与实现为线索,主要探讨了以下几个问题:1.阐述了战场态势信息系统所涉及的基本技术和概念,介绍了战场态势信息系统各种技术的发展动态和研究现状,明确了研究战场态势信息系统的现实意义。2.对战场态势信息系统进行了分析和设计,将系统分为前台目标数据的仿真模拟和后台态势目标信息获取、管理、显示等层次。系统的体系结构采用网络系统的形式,利用多线程技术和UDP网络组包、加密传输技术实现,并用Hash动态链表管理目标数据,实时绘制来自不同传感器产生的航迹。3.对战场态势信息系统的地形数据和效率进行了设计优化,利用矢量地图和更精确、丰富的遥感图像进行联合开发。研究并运用了矢量栅格的匹配技术;栅格图像的分层、分块、缓存处理等算法;动态显示技术等。4.利用运动方程对目标航迹进行仿真,并对飞机、舰船等目标进行模型设计。以组件式软件开发思想为指导,使用ActiveX控件和COM组建技术,实现战场态势信息系统。

【Abstract】 Battlefield situation information system, which is based on the geographical situation of environmental data and operational data for management and disposal objects, is an integrated system that receives, manages, stores, queries, adds up, analyses and shares the battlefield situation information and data. The introduction of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology makes the management of battlefield information enter the information and digitization era and becomes a powerful tool that leaders use to real-time control the situation in the battlefield thousands of miles away. The introduction and real-time update of Remote Sensing (RS) technology further make the information battlefield rich and accurate.At present, there is a wide variety of battlefield information systems, but they are based on vector map data to basically research and develop. The vector data characteristics determine its potential problems with data accuracy not high enough, slow rate of update and so on. With the development of satellite remote sensing technology, it is increasingly easy to access remote sensing image data somewhere, and even access accurate data about an airport, ports and other military fortress. How to use these data is the difficulty and focus of study. This involves:vector data and raster data matched; dynamic refresh and roaming large amounts of data of remote sensing image data; and how to resolve fusion and integration of the battlefield geographical information and combat situation information, especially how to solve the acquisition, storage, management and other issues in the battlefield situation information (including the goals and terrain).So, it is profoundly significant to do scientific research and develop the battlefield information system.Based on the platform of GIS secondary development ArcEngine and object-oriented programming environment VC ++6.0, using research and realization of battlefield information system as the clue, the paper mainly focuses on some problems below:1. It represents the basic technology and conception of battlefield information systems, introduces the development and research status of battlefield information systems, and emphasizes the great realistic significance of the study.2. It analyses and designs battlefield information systems. This system is separated into two layers. They are the foreground target data analog simulation and the back battlefield situation information acquisition, management, displaying and so on. This system structure adopts a form of network system. It uses multi-threading technology, UDP network group packets and encryption transmission technology. At the same time, it uses hash dynamic list to manage the target data and to draw tracks from different sensors.3. It designs and optimizes the topographic data and efficiency of the battlefield situation information system, and utilizes digital maps (vector structures) and more precise and rich remote image to jointly develop. It researches and applies Raster and vector matching technology, algorithm of layer, sub-blocks and cache management of raster images, dynamic display technology and so on.4. It uses the motion equation to simulate target track and designs aircraft, ships and other target model. In the direction of component software development thought, it uses ActiveX controls and COM formation technology to realize the battlefield information system.


