

Research and Development of Mechanical Stacker and Control System of Automatic Parking

【作者】 华文瀚

【导师】 田怀文;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 机械制造及其自动化, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来随着我国城市经济和汽车工业的迅猛发展,城市汽车保有量越来越大,伴随而来的是城市停车状况的尴尬局面,停车环境与城市规划的矛盾十分突出。停车问题是城市发展过程中出现的静态交通问题。立体车库通过提高停车场的空间利用率,增加了停车场单位面积内的车位密度,这样使得城市内有限的停车面积上可提供的车位数量大大增加。因此,自动化立体车库成为了解决城市停车难问题最有效的手段之一。论文通过对目前市场上已有的九大类自动化立体车库的特点进行比较分析,得出了一套较为完整的立体车库总体设计方案。采用堆垛机作为存取车的机械装置;车库控制系统采用上下位机协作模式,以“组态王”软件为开发平台建立上位机组态监控系统;以西门子S7—200系列PLC作为下位机控制核心,负责对现场硬件的直接驱动;构建SQL数据库对上位机控制系统中存取车辆的相关信息实行动态管理调用。论文详细介绍了堆垛式立体车库控制系统中上下位机控制平台的设计原理与开发过程、上位机与外部数据库之间的连接构建,以及上位机与下位机之间通信关系的建立过程等研究开发内容。论文建立了一个包括SQL数据库访问查询功能于一体的上位机人机操作界面,并设计了与之相对应的下位机(PLC)所控制的主要运动部件的梯形图程序。另外,在此基础上针对实际运行中遇到的存取车高峰期和一般时段建立相应的数学模型,运用概率与数理统计理论及运筹学原理对该模型进行求解,得出了系统在安排存取车策略上的优化方式,同时对存取车高峰期的堆垛机行走路径进行了合理的顺序安排并提出了以减少社会总等候时间为优化目标的思想,这一思想也被应用到控制系统的程序设计当中。本立体车库控制系统研究开发成果利用实验室现有条件进行了模拟运行。结果表明:本系统具备预期的所有控制动作、数据存储及查询功能,并且主体功能满足了工业控制现场对系统的实时性和有效性要求,抗干扰和纠错能力较强,系统运行稳定。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the development of our country and the rapid development of the auto industry, the quantity of the automobile in cities becomes larger and larger, while the embarrassing situation of the parking status in cities comes. The contradiction between the parking environment and the urban planning is becoming more and more prominent. The problem of parking is a static traffic problem arising in the process of urban development. Through improving the utilization rate of park space, and increasing the unit area parking density in parks, parking garage makes the number of parking provided by limited park space in cities greatly increased. Therefore, the automatic mechanical parking system has become one of the effective means to solve the difficulty of parking in cities.Through comparing with the existing nine categories Automatic Mechanical Parking System’s characteristic on current market, the paper has obtained a set of more complete design project about Automatic Mechanical Parking System. This paper takes the car stacker as mechanical device. Garage control system uses the upper and lower computer collaborative model, and the upper unit state monitoring system based on the“Kingview”software development platform was established. Siemens S7-200 series PLC as the core of the lower computer controller responded for on-site hardware direct driving. Finally, this paper constructs the SQL database, and deposits and withdraws vehicles’ related information to the upper computer control system to implement the dynamic management transfer.This paper details the research and development in the stacking parking control system, including the design principle and development process of the upper and lower machine control platform, the establishment of communication between upper machine and external database, and the building process of the communication relationship between upper machine and lower machine and so on. It has been established an human-machine interface of upper machine which included the function of access and searched the SQL database, and designed the LAD program of main moving parts which are controlled by corresponding lower machine(PLC). In addition, in view of the peak hours and off-peak hours of accessing cars, the corresponding mathematic model is constructed. It is solved by using theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics and theory of Operations Research, obtained the optimization method of the system in scheduling strategy of accessing cars. At the same time, the stacker walking paths at peak hours have been arranged in reasonable order and reducing the total social waiting time as an optimization objective has been proposed. This idea has also been applied to the process control system designs.Using laboratory existing condition, the parking control system technology has carried on the simulation run. The results show that the system has the anticipated all control action, data storage and query functions. Moreover, the main function fulfilled the real-time and effectiveness requirements at the industrial control field. Also, it has a strong anti-interference and error correction capability. As well, the system runs stably.


