

Research on Transport Organization of the Plateau Railway from Lhasa to Rikaze

【作者】 程刚

【导师】 彭其渊;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 拉日铁路由西藏自治区首府拉萨市至历代班禅大师驻锡地日喀则市,位于地质条件复杂、气候条件恶劣的世界屋脊。拉日铁路作为青藏铁路延伸线是西藏自治区“T”字型铁路网主干架的组成部分,是通向南亚铁路的桥梁,在区域路网中将起到重要作用。地处高寒缺氧地区的拉日铁路运输组织面临客货运量小同时存在季节性和不均衡性等问题。因此本文结合了高原地区的政治、经济、地理、文化探讨符合西藏实情兼具高原特色的铁路运输组织。本文的主要研究内容包括以下几个部分:1.结合拉日铁路项目吸引区的政治、地理、经济状况以及其施工方案,研究适合拉日铁路的主要技术标准及车站分布和各设计年限开关站状况。2.运用多目标线性规划模型规划从西宁经拉萨抵达日喀则的直达旅客列车对数。根据拉日铁路季节性的运量波动明显的特征,按客运量淡季和旺季分别设计旅客列车开行方案。3.高原时差条件下利用同余定理研究:照顾沿途客运站、考虑车底折返以及综合因素情况下旅客列车的合理开车范围。4.根据拉日铁路综合维天窗的作业内容并结合高海拔和寒冷的自然环境分析拉日铁路维修作业的机械化模式,进而从大型养路机械维修机组效率分析适合其综合维修天窗的时间。综合作业时间,天窗开设的原则和高原行车要求研究综合维修天窗的设置形式。针对高寒地区作业特性,对综合维修天窗的安全管理提出相应的措施。5.在分析高原铁路所面临的恶劣气候条件和灾害条件的基础上简单探讨在风沙、雪害冰冻、滑坡、地震条件下拉日铁路运输组织采取的措施。

【Abstract】 Lari Railway, from the capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region Lhasa to Rikaze which is the ancient city of the Panchen Lama, is located in the roof of the world which is known for its complex geological conditions and harsh climates. As an extension of the Qinghai-Tibet railway line, it is an integral part of the main skeleton of the "T"-shaped railway network in Tibet Autonomous Region, leading to the railway of South Asia, and it will play an important role in the regional road network.But in addition to its location in the alpine and hypoxia area, Lari Railway also has the feature of small quantity of passenger and freight traffic, which has the seasonal and unbalanced nature. Thus this paper approaches the railway transportation organization of characteristics of plateau, based on the politics, economy, geography and culture in Tibet. This paper includes following parts:1. Based on the Lari Railway attracted area’s political, geographical, economic status as well as its construction programs, it researches the main technical standards, the distribution of main railway station and the design of switching station status of Lari Railway.2. It calculates the operating logarithm of the passenger train from Xining via Lhasa to Rikaze by MOLP. And on the ground of the characteristic of seasonality for Lari Raiway, it devises the operation of passenger train by low and busy season of passenger capacity.3. Considering the condition of time difference in the plateau, it uses the congruence theory to approach the reasonable extent of operation under the circumstance of passenger station along the railway, reentry, and other factors.4. Given the job content of synthesis maintenance time, combined with natural environment of high altitude and coldness, it analyses the mechanization of maintenance operation for Lari Railway, and further calculates the time appropriate for its synthesis maintenance time by the analysis on the efficiency of large maintenance machinery. It approaches how to design the synthesis maintenance time by considering the working hours, the principle for synthesis maintenance time and requests for train working in the plateau. Thus it gives some suggestive opinions for the safety control of synthesis maintenance time, targeting on the work characteristic in the plateau with its harsh environment.5. It analyses the hash climate condition and severe geography in plateau, and on this ground it forms some measures that could be taken for transportation of Lari Railway under the circumstance of easy sand wind, snow damage, frost, landslide and earthquake.


