

A Study of Turn-Taking in Cross-Generation Conversations(CGC) in English

【作者】 黄蕾

【导师】 魏俊轩;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 外国语言学及应用语言学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 话轮转换研究是会话分析中的核心问题。自20世纪60年代早期哈维·萨克斯等人提出话轮转换的基本模式以来,国外的其他研究者也从更广泛的领域对话轮转换现象进行了考察,但其研究兴趣主要集中在机构性谈话,诸如医患对话,法庭辩论和新闻访问等。国内的研究则主要偏重于对国外研究的引进和评述,而忽略了具体的语篇分析。因此,到目前为止,对日常生活中跨代对话的话轮转换现象进行的系统研究寥寥无几。在对前人研究进行综述的基础上,本文从《成长的烦恼》剧本中随机选出三十则跨代对话,从系统、策略和标记三个角度对其进行了语篇分析,研究结果表明,英语跨代对话中的话轮转换具有如下特点:就话轮转换的系统而言,话轮构建呈多元化趋势,话轮分配仍以“当前说话人选择下一说话人”和“下一说话人自选”为基本手段,话轮转换规则与萨克斯等人的研究略有差异。其中,父辈短语话轮的使用以及自选时的插话远多于子辈。就话轮转换的策略而言,称谓语乃话轮发起的主要策略,“话语未完成语”和“搪塞语”乃话轮维持的主要策略,疑问句乃话轮放弃的主要策略,而固定话题接应和插入分别为话轮回应和索求的主要策略。其中,父辈称谓语的运用明显高于子辈,而后者招呼语的运用却大大高于前者。就话轮转换的标记而言,它们频现于话轮转换的全部过程,包括话轮发起、话轮维持、话轮放弃、话轮回应和话轮索求,其功能主要用于引起注意、转换话题、语义暗示、思维缓冲、信息提供、情感昭示、应答前轮、给予反馈、内容接续、语义修补以及表明态度等。其中,父辈对well, now和yes的使用比较频繁,而子辈对ok, but, I mean, so, look和yeah的运用相对较多。本文的研究揭示了英语跨代对话中话轮转换的特点,希望对语言交际和语篇分析有一定的启示作用。

【Abstract】 The research on turn-taking is the core study of conversation analysis. Since Harvey Sacks and his collaborators put forward the model of turn-taking in the early 1960s, other researchers abroad have tried to investigate it from a larger range of disciplines; but most of them focus on institutional discourse, such as clinical dialogue, court debate and interview etc. Many domestic researchers have concentrated on the introduction and review of foreign studies while ignoring specific discourse analysis. Hence, few systematic studies of turn-taking have been conducted in cross-generation conversations till now.Based upon a comprehensive literature review, this paper randomly picks out thirty pieces of cross-generation conversations from the American sitcom Growing Pains and analyzes their turn-taking phenomena from the perspectives of the system, the strategies and the markers. It is found that the turn-taking in English cross-generation conversations is of the following characteristics:In terms of turn-taking system, turn-construction presents the trend of pluralism; turn-allocation consists basically of two ways:current-speaker selection and self-selection; there exists a slight difference in turn-taking rules between cross-generation conversations and naturally occurring conversations analyzed by Sacks et al. The differentiation is that parents apply much more phrase turns and insertion in self-selection than children. In terms of turn-taking strategies, the major strategy for turn-initiating is address terms; the chief strategies for turn-holding are utterance incompletors and hesitation fillers; the principal strategy for turn-yielding is questions; and the dominating strategies for turn-responding and turn-claiming are the reaction and insertion set topics. The distinction is that parents use address terms more frequently than children while greetings less frequently than them. In terms of turn-taking markers, they are employed in all the turn-taking processes, including turn-initiating, turn-holding, turn-yielding, turn-responding and turn-claiming; and they are chiefly used for attention getting, topic shifting, suggestion, mind mitigation, information offering, emotions demonstrating, answering, feedback, continuing, repairing and attitudes showing. The difference is that parents tend to use the markers well, now and yes more while children apply ok, but, I mean, so, look and yeah much more frequently.The research in this paper has discovered the features of turn-taking in cross-generation conversations and it is hoped to throw light on communication in sociology and discourse analysis in linguistics to a certain degree.

【关键词】 话轮转换跨代对话系统策略标记
【Key words】 turn-takingcross-generation conversationssystemstrategiesmarkers

