

Research on Improvement Measures for the Group Building of Call Center No.1, China Mobile Shandong Co, Ltd

【作者】 刘强

【导师】 郭耀煌;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 对企业基层组织的研究一直以来是学术界和企业高度关注的领域。在以互联网为代表的信息化革命背景下,管理重心下移,实现扁平化、网络化管理是企业管理的必然发展趋势。中国移动通信集团山东有限公司客户服务一中心(以下简称客服一中心)是目前国内最大的话务呼叫中心之一,现有165个班组,90%以上的员工从事热线服务工作,虽然较好完成了各项生产任务,但是在基层组织建设方面还存在着较大的提升空间。本文通过定性、定量分析,运用中国移动组织文化分析模型对客服一中心领导者、中层管理者的管理风格和客服一中心的4种组织文化类型(活力型、指标型、层级型、家园型)进行了对比分析,从12个维度(创造变革、组织学习、危机意识、客户意识、竞争意识、员工激励、领导能力、员工忠诚、制度管理、组织氛围、团队导向、员工发展)分析了客服一中心班组建设中存在的问题和不足。经过汇总、整理、反馈、提炼,找出了一线管理人员管理不到位、员工流失率居高不下、班组制度不健全、班组文化建设处在起步阶段、班组评价体系缺失等5条亟需解决的问题。围绕这些问题,提出了建立卓越班组的5个要素,即:追求卓越的一线管理人员、和谐稳定的员工队伍、规范有效的班组制度、凝聚团队的班组文化和完善的班组评价体系。最后,结合组织制度、能力提升相关理论,围绕发现的5条亟需解决的问题,从提升一线管理人员素质、建立和谐稳定员工队伍、加强班组制度和班组文化建设等5个方面提出了客服一中心班组建设提升措施。客服一中心调研中所发现的问题,在客服二中心160多个班组乃至中国移动其他30个省市的客户服务中心中带有一定的普遍性。本文分析问题、解决问题的思路、工具和方法,以及调研发现的问题和提出的提升措施,对加强中国移动的客户服务中心基层组织建设有着积极地借鉴意义和参考价值。

【Abstract】 Grass-root organization building kept as topical issue for both academic circles and business circles. With the rapid spread of information revolution which indicated by internet, the down-shifting of management gravity center, flat management and networking were going to be the certain development trend as new corporate strategies. No.1 Call Center at China Mobile Shandong Co., Ltd. is one of the call centers who have the largest telephone-traffic currently in China. This center is composed of 165 separate teams, and more than 90% employees are engaging in hotline services. Although the whole organization is able to achieve not far out of the productive-task targets, team building and management still have large development space.After the qualitative and quantitative investigation and research in-depth, this thesis applies the CMCC’s organizational culture model to assess the management styles of top leaders and middle managers in this group, and then compares with four different types of organizational culture that No.1 Call Center has, including clan, adhocracy, hierarchy and market. On the basis of twelve dimensions of this model (Innovation reform, Organizational learning, crisis consciousness, customer focus, competitive spirit, employee motivation, leadership, employee loyalty, institutional management, organizational climate, team-lead and employee development), this thesis analyses the problems exposed in team-building process. Via a series of aggregation, classification, feedback and extraction, it found out five burning questions that consist of low overall qualities of managers at the production line, high employee turnover rate, infirmity of team regime, infant stage of cultural team-building, and lack of team assessment system.Revolved around all of the problems above, this thesis establishes a feasible model, called "Outstanding Team 5 Forces". Such model involves perfection-pursuit manager at the production line, harmonious workforce, efficient team mechanism, cohesive team culture and comprehensive team assessment system. In addition, it suggests five target-oriented promotion measures for team-building of No.1 Call Center. They are mainly in terms of improving the quality of managers at the production line, building a harmonious team of workforce, reinforcing the team regime and team cultural building.As is known, the problems arising in No.1 Call Center similarly appeared in majority of 160 teams within No.2 Call Center, and even in some Call Centers from the other 30 province companies. It seems like to be general. Accordingly, all of the threads and methods to analyze and solve the problems, and the feasible promotion measures suggested by this thesis have the reference value for those CMCC Call Centers who are confronted with similar problems in grass-root organization building.

  • 【分类号】F626
  • 【下载频次】360

