

Logistics-Financial Model Research on Pledge of Movables and Collateral Loan

【作者】 朱文卿

【导师】 张锦;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 物流工程, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 国内物流业的迅速发展导致了竞争的加剧,将物流与金融结合到一起的物流金融因为具有较高的附加值而成为物流企业追逐的新的利润源泉。物流金融联结了银行、物流企业和贷款企业三方的利益,银行和物流企业合作为贷款企业提供新的资金来源。目前物流金融正成为物流研究热点领域。众多学者对其进行了多方的研究,但基本上都是在定性研究的层面上,如主要探讨物流金融的优点与模式,而在定量层面上的研究鲜有所见。正是由于定量研究的滞后,给物流金融服务的推广带来了制约,如何在物流金融服务参与各方之间进行利益分配以扩大整体的福利显得尤为重要。基于这种情形,本文力求在分析现有物流金融模式基础上,站在信贷方的视角,研究最优贷款策略,以求能解决利益分配中呈现的诸多问题。本文运用抽象动态质押条件下的两种情形,重点探讨质押物市场风险对贷款利率等变量的影响,并给出在一定的市场风险和贷款折扣率下的最优贷款利率。由于本研究具有可扩展性并借鉴了一般的动产质押担保贷款的研究思路和成果,将其运用到动态质押这一物流金融新研究领域。同时,本论文也给出了发展动产质押担保物流金融服务的若干建议。

【Abstract】 The rapid development of the domestic logistics industry aggravates the competition environment. Logistics-finance, with its higher append-value and perfectly performance in both logistics and finance, is now becoming more and more popular. Logistics-finance bring Profit to all the participants-bank, logistics company and the company who applies for loans. Thanks for logistics-finance, companies who need money find a new financing channel.Logistics-finance is now a hot point in the logistic theoretic research field. Many scholars did their research by different way, but they have something in common--their researches are all qualitative. For example, they discussed the benefits and models that a logistics-finance have. Quantificational researches can rarely be seen. Because of the lag of quantificational researches, logistics-finance meets some problem in its developing way. This make it a critical problem that how to distribute the profit.This paper applies two cases under the condition of abstract dynamic pledge, deduces the objective function according to advanced mathematics, simplifies the pricing problem by the use of contracts perspective, assumptions and setting of the boundary conditions, focuses on the effect of market risk in pledge to interest rate, and gives the best lending rate under a certain market risk and credit discount rate. Because of extensibility and drawing on research ideas and results of a general pledge of movable and collateral loan, this research applies it to a new logistics-financial area----dynamic pledge. At the same time, this paper also propose some suggestions about developing pledge of movable and collateral Logistics-financial service.

【关键词】 物流金融动态质押动产利率
【Key words】 Logistics-financeDynamic PledgeMovablesRate of Interest

