

Case Study on Chengdu-Deyang-Miangyang Regional Tourism Feasibility

【作者】 黄峰

【导师】 周静;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 旅游管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 成德绵区域是四川省内近期最有可能形成的三大城市群之一,经过2008年的汶川大地震,成德绵经济受到重创,旅游业更是受到毁灭性打击,为了促进成德绵旅游经济的复苏和可持续发展,充分利用成德绵区域中丰富的旅游资源,提高区域旅游整体的竞争力,本文试图采用区域旅游合作中的竞合模式来协调成德绵区域旅游空间组织。首先本文针对成德绵区域旅游可行性的五个方面进行分析,第一定量分析成德绵三城市经济之间的相互作用,得出三城市之间具备了经济合作的基础;第二通过建立旅游城市竞争力评价体系来分析成德绵三城市旅游业发展现状,通过聚类分析,将成德绵三个城市,划分成为核心旅游城市,次级旅游城市和边缘旅游城市,不仅对成德绵旅游区域中的三个城市进行单独的分析,更将其放入四川这一大区域进行可行性分析;第三通过分析成德绵区域旅游格局,揭示出该旅游空间正在由空间核心激化格局向空间边缘扩散转变,第四从旅游资源和旅游境内外客源市场两方面来分析成德绵区域旅游的可行性。其次基于成德绵区域旅游的可行性,对区域旅游的合作模式—竞合模式进行必要性分析,再通过定量与定性的方式对竞合模式的可行性进行分析,得出只要在旅游区域中有一个旅游城市愿意采取积极合作的态度,那么三方博弈的动态平衡就能够维持下去的结论;最后,根据三方动态博弈均衡的原则下,对成德绵区域旅游竞合模式提出相应的策略。

【Abstract】 Chengdu, Deyang, Mianyang forms the most compelling urban agglomeration in Sichuan, however, Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 caused serious economic damages to the cities, even worse many tourist destinations around the cities are no longer exist. In order to promote the Chengdu-Deyang-Mianyang tourism recovery and economic development, unveil its richness of tourism resources and improve urban agglomeration competence, this paper try to discuss the cooperation-competition (C-C model) of Regional Tourism in the Chengdu-Deyang-Mianyang urban agglomeration. As for the beginning of the paper, a feasibility study of Chengdu-Deyang-Mianyang regional tourism is carried out with 5 key analyses. First, quantitative analysis of Chengdu-Deyang-Mianyang economic interactions and concludes that the bases of three cities cooperation is sound. Second, Competitiveness through the establishment of tourist cities into a evaluation system to analyze the development of urban tourism in Chengdu-Deyang-Mianyang area,and divided this three cities into the core tourist cities, sub-urban and periphery tourism cities. Germany not only into a separate analysis, but also put Chengdu-Deyang-Mianyang in this large area of Sichuan Province to conduct a feasibility analysis; Third, By analyzing spatial structure study,reveals the spatial tourism structure of Chengdu-Deyang-Mianyang area that the dynamic evolvement of the spatial pattern belongs to the spatial polarization stage. Fourth, According to tourism resources and tourist market in domestic and foreign, analyze the feasibility of chengdu-Deyang-Mianyang cities tourism.Then, based on the feasibility of the cheng-de-mian Regional Tourism, analysis the necessity of cooperation model-competing model. According a game model,make a further quantitative study about the feasibility of cooperation of cheng-de-miang plate,the research shows if one city initiative to take cooperate with the others under certain conditions, the three sides cooperation will succeed.Last,the paper on game theory, correspond strategies.


