

Design of Upper-Computer Software and Error Handling for Measurement System of Pantograph Slide Plate’s Abrasion

【作者】 贾成芬

【导师】 王伯铭;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 车辆工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 高速机车是通过受电弓从接触网上取得电能的,受电弓与接触导线的稳定接触是列车良好受流的重要条件。然而,随着列车速度的提高,弓网间接触力会发生变化,系统会产生自激振动,振动幅度过大会造成受电弓滑板与接触网导线分离,出现离线现象。离线对电力机车牵引供电是非常有害的,不仅会引起机车受流不良,造成机车运行不稳定,加速接触网和受电弓滑板的磨耗。所以了解受电弓滑板表面的磨耗情况对电力机车正常受流是非常有必要的,以便对受电弓进行及时的维修及更换。本系统在综合了目前行业中已有受电弓磨耗检测方法的基础上,利用超声波传感器信息处理简单、价格低廉、硬件容易实现、测距准确等优点,设计了一种以超声波传感器作为检测元件的新型的受电弓磨耗检测系统。本文的主要工作是设计出该检测系统的上位机软件并对检测到的数据进行误差分析。上位机用Access数据库保存数据和以VC++6.0作为编译环境编写人机界面,基于MFC技术,采用面向对象的方法。根据超声波传感器检测受电弓滑板磨耗系统的特点将上位机界面分为滑板图形显示和滑板磨耗曲线图的显示、数据库的显示、图形变换按键显示、串口状态显示、车速显示等不同的功能模块。通过MSCOMM串口程序读取下位机测距情况,对检测到的数据进行误差的评估和处理并将其保存在界面的数据表单中。在OpenGL窗口中根据保存的数据绘制受电弓的磨耗曲线图并且进行图像处理。通过实验可知上位机软件具备了在线、多点、分时检测,人机界面友好。

【Abstract】 High-speed locomotive get electric power from power supply web through pantograph, and stable contact between slide and wire is an important condition for electric locomotive collecting energy. However, with the enhancement of train’s speed, contact force between slide and wire will change to make the system produce surge vibration by oneself that can lead to slide and wire apart because of high vibration amplitude. Offline for locomotive traction power supply is very harmful, this can cause adverse of locomotive getting electric power,leading to instability of locomotive running and accelerating abrasion between slide and wire. So understanding the surface of pantograph splide plate abrasion is necessary for the electric locomotive in order to maintenance and replacement timely. This system based on methods with existing abrasion detection designs a new detection system of pantograph slide plate’s abrasion by utilizing ultrasonic sensors as detecting elements, for it is simple for processing information,low cost,easy to realize hardware and accurate of the measurements.Upper-computer software used Access database to store the data, provided vc++6.0 with programming environment to write human-machine interface and employed object-oriented methods, which based on MFC technique. According to the character of ultrasonic sensor detection system for the abrasion of pantograph splide plate, PC interface are divided into different modules such as pantograph splide plate graphic display and abrasion graphical displays for pantograph splide plate, the show for database, the show for the buttons of image transformation, the show for the condition of the serial port and vehicle speed. Detector datas that get through MSCOMM serial program will be evaluated, processed and stored in the database. The abrasion graph of pantograph splide plate will be drawed according to the datas that kept into database and transformed under the OpenGL window. The experiment indicated that the PC software achieved online, multi-point and time-sharing detection, friendly interface.


