

On the Role of Passage Dictation-based Metacognitive Strategy Training in Cultivating Non-English Majors’ Learner Autonomy

【作者】 杜百顺

【导师】 刘承宇;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 英语语言文学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 大学英语是我国高校非英语专业学生的一门必修课。目前,不少新建地方本科院校的大学英语教学现状并不乐观。许多学生很长时间不能适应全新的学习环境,难以在规定的时间内达到大纲规定的英语学习目标,经常因为学习效率不高而产生种种困惑。产生这种现象的根本原因是这些新生缺乏必要的英语学习策略和自主学习能力。随着中国外语教学改革的发展,教学模式逐步实现了从教师为中心向学生为中心的过渡,培养和促进学习者自主已成为目前外语教学的首要任务。国内外的众多学者已经从不同的视角研究了元认知策略训练与自主学习能力的培养。从笔者搜集到的资料来看,迄今为止很少有人将听写训练与自主学习能力的培养结合起来进行研究。鉴于这种情况,作者借鉴了Oxford等人的学习策略训练方法,旨在通过基于短文听写的学习策略培训,帮助学生掌握并运用一些基本的学习策略,特别是元认知策略,从而获得一定的听力自主学习能力。同时,在学生熟悉了解了大学英语教学的基本要求和目标并掌握了一些有效的学习策略后,引导他们进一步检测和认识自己的听、说、读、写、译水平。当学生从听写训练的经历中获益时,他们就会将从中所获得的意识和策略运用到英语学习的各个方面,实现训练形成的习惯和策略正迁移,逐步培养和提高他们的自主学习的意识和能力。本研究首先前测了两个班学生的英语听力水平和元认知策略的使用情况。接着在试验班进行基于短文听写训练的听力教学试验,通过听力日记和学习策略训练,着重培养学生的元认知策略和意识,提高他们的听力成绩。学期末通过后测和调查问卷,了解学生经过短文听写训练后在英语听力水平方面是否有所提高,元认知策略的使用是否有所改变,以及他们对听写训练效果的看法。在教学试验阶段,要求试验班的学生在每次听写练习结束后,对照听写原文查找错写、漏写的词句,找出时态、拼写、标点等错误。下课后对听写过程进行反思,用日记的方式总结每次听写的感想和困惑,分析听写错误的原因,以及如何制定相应的课外学习计划改正问题。同时,要求学生跟读磁带模仿发音,反复朗读,提高语音语调,最后背诵听写原文。学生的听写日记表明,听写训练帮助他们了解了自己的英语水平,发现了学习中存在的问题,刺激他们改进学习方法并制定相应的学习计划,激发了他们学习英语的兴趣。尤其重要的是,受试者通过撰写听写日记,反思和监控自己的学习过程,评估学习效果,总结出了一些有利于提高英语水平的学习策略,获得了元认知意识,能够逐步自己管理自己的英语学习。在试验过程中,教师特别注意用成功学习者所使用的学习策略指导不成功的学习者。同时,笔者还补充讲解了其它一些学习策略,让学生在英语学习中实践这些策略,以便帮助学生将这些策略更好地迁移到其它学习任务中去。试验结束后,元认知问卷调查和日记分析表明实验班学生的元认知策略的使用频率有了明显的提高。前测和后测的听力成绩对比显示,实验班学生的英语听力水平提高的幅度大于控制班的学生,特别是复合式听写。另外,学生对听写训练效果的问卷显示80%的学生对听写训练持认可态度;82%的学生希望在老师的帮助下继续做听写训练。通过该项训练,实验班的学生有了更为明确的学习目标和计划,在一定程度上实现了从学习依赖到学习自主的过渡,获得了一定的自主学习意识和能力。

【Abstract】 College English is a compulsory course for non-English majors. However, the teaching and learning status quo of College English in quite a number of Regional Undergraduate Colleges are not satisfactory. Many students could not adapt to the new learning environment and meet the objectives stipulated by college English syllabus in the specified time. They are perplexed because their learning efficiency is not proportionate to their great efforts. The root cause behind it is that they lack the fundamental learning strategies and autonomous learning abilities.With the development of foreign language teaching reform, the teaching focus has been shifted from the traditional "teacher-centered" to "learner-centered", cultivation and promotion of learner autonomy is regarded as the ultimate goal in foreign language education.In the past few decades, many researches from different perspectives have been done at home and abroad to explore the relationship between strategy training and cultivation of learner autonomy. However, relatively little research has been done to explore how dictation practice can be employed to cultivate autonomous learning ability.Following the training model of Oxford et al (1990), this thesis aims at guiding learners to obtain some basic learning strategies and metacognitive strategies in particular so as to foster and develop their autonomous learning abilities by means of dictation-based strategy training. Furthermore, in the process of training, teacher endeavors to make participants familiarize themselves with the general requirement of college English syllabus and guide them to have a better understanding of their present listening, speaking, reading and writing levels in order to motivate them to practice using the available effective learning strategies in various language learning tasks. When the participants perceived the advantages of dictation-based strategy training, they will definitely transfer the available strategies to new learning tasks. Accordingly, the positive transfer could be accomplished and their autonomous learning awareness and abilities be fostered and developed.At the beginning of the semester prior to the experiment, a questionnaire on metacognitive strategy and listening comprehension pre-test were adopted to check use frequency of metacognitive strategies and listening performance of both EG and CG. The dictation-based strategy training was carried out in EG twice a week from the second week of the semester and lasted 15 weeks. It aims at promoting learners’listening abilities and cultivating and enhancing their metacognitive strategy use and metacognitive awareness. At the end of the semester, the same questionnaire on metacognitive strategy and listening comprehension post-test were implemented to check whether passage dictation practice can facilitate their listening comprehension and promote their metacognitive strategy use and metacognitive awareness as well. In addition, another questionnaire on students’attitudes towards the effect of taking dictation was designed to further explore the effectiveness and students’acceptance of dictation practice.At the dictation practice stage, after listening to the dictation passage for four times, students are required to correct the mistakes or restore any missing parts by referring to the dictation script, using red ink pen to distinguish the corrected parts from their original transcription for the sake of keeping dictation diaries later. After class, students can discuss and analyze in pairs the reasons for their mistakes, and keep dictation diary to summarize their feelings at doing the dictation exercises.Students’diaries indicate that dictation practice is helpful for them to identify the existing problems, to know their strengths and weaknesses and motivate them to adjust learning method and make corresponding plans to resolve the problems. Above all, through keeping dictation diary, learners reflect and monitor their learning process, evaluate learning outcomes and summarize some useful learning strategies. Therefore, to a great degree, they have acquired metacognitive awareness and are able to regulate their studies.In the course of the experiment, the less successful learners are provided with the chance to practice using the strategies adopted by the successful learners. Besides, students are encouraged to practice additional strategies supplemented by the teacher in the course of their English study, which helps them to transfer the learning strategies to new learning tasks.After the completion of the training, the analysis of questionnaire on metacognitive strategies indicated that students in EG significantly increased their use of metacognitive strategies. The comparison of listening scores before and after the training suggested that EG outperformed CG in term of their increase in grades, especially the grades increase in compound dictation. In addition, the results of another questionnaire on students’attitudes towards taking dictation showed:almost 80% of students expressed their approval that dictation practice can facilitate listening, speaking and English proficiency as well; concerning its impact on goal setting and plan making, evaluation of learning outcomes and the positive effect of diary-keeping,68% to 80% of the students expressed their approval; as for whether continue dictation practice or not,82%(36 out of a total 44 students) hope to continue dictation practice with the guidance of the teacher.Through the above analysis, we can draw a conclusion that dictation-based strategy training is advantageous to the cultivation and development of learner autonomy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期
  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】278

