

Research on Fresh Food Distribution Risk Management Based on Food Safety

【作者】 郭睿

【导师】 兰洪杰;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 物流管理与工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人们生活品质的提高,各种生鲜食品的需求量也越来越大,市场对生鲜食品配送要求也越来越高。生鲜食品在配送过程中温度、湿度、食品卫生等状况都受到外界影响,需要人工进行温控、保湿以确保食品质量。但由于受到管理水平以及人们风险意识的影响,生鲜食品配送频频出现食品安全问题,引起人们的广泛关注。本文正是在这种背景下对基于食品安全的生鲜食品配送风险管理进行研究,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。本文从生鲜食品配送作业流程分析出发,希望通过对生鲜食品配送流程中影响食品安全的风险的分析、识别、评估以及控制,来达到提高生鲜食品配送管理水平和保障食品安全的目的。本文研究主要包括以下几个方面:首先分析生鲜食品配送的具体作业流程,并对作业中可能对生鲜食品安全造成损害的关键风险因素进行识别。其次对关键风险因素间诱导关系进行了分析,建立关键风险因素解释结构模型对其进行层次划分。然后根据生鲜食品特点建立GO-FLOW模型,并用实际案例对其风险进行了评估。最后针对配送过程中风险最大的送货环节建立了风险控制模型。本文共有图22幅,表13个,参考文献95篇。

【Abstract】 In response to the increasing awareness of the quality of life, people’s demands for fresh foods and fresh food distribution service is growing faster and faster. There are some differences between cold chain distribution and normal distribution. Fresh food needs temperature control, moisture control in order to ensure food quality, because of its short shelf life and perishable. However, affected by the low management level and risk awareness, food safety problems has occurred frequently in the fresh food distribution operations and has aroused wide public attention. The research on fresh food distribution risk management based on food safety arises just in the context of this reality background and has important theoretical significance and application value.This dissertation, from the perspective of analysis fresh food distribution process, hopes to improve its management level and insure food safety by analysis, identification, assess and control the risk in the distribution process.The main results achieved in this dissertation can be summarized as follows:First, analysis fresh food distribution process and identification the risk factors in it; then establishes a three-level ISM model and divide these factors, third, establishes the GO-FLOW model and make a case study; at last construct a mathematical model aims at minimizing the deterioration cost during distribution.In addition, there are 22 figures and 13 tables in the dissertation. We also have referred to 95 reference documents.


