

Research on Design and Planning of Bus Fields and Buildings in Big City

【作者】 刘婷

【导师】 董玉香;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 建筑学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 经济迅速发展,城市进入了一个高速发展的阶段,随着城市规模的迅速扩大,交通问题也日益凸显,作为解决交通问题的有效方法之一,公共交通的发展日趋重要。在我国,由于经济发展等原因,轻轨、地铁等快速交通仍然只是特大城市的专利,公共汽电车仍是公共交通的主体。在“大力发展公交优先”成为解决城市交通问题最佳途径的今天,公交场站作为公共交通基础设施,其建设的重要性受到了越来越多的重视。大城市土地稀缺、交通拥堵严重、用地条件复杂等特点为公交场站的规划设计提出了更多的挑战和难题,加之我国长期以来公交场站建设相对落后,其研究显得尤为必要。公交场站的规划设计是一个复杂庞大的课题,本文从公交场站与城市环境的关系这一角度出发,基于大量文献资料和实际案例的调研和分析,总结和探讨了公交场站规划设计的策略和方法。研究得出,公交场站规划设计应以城市用地和空间结构为背景,以城市路网和客流情况为主要依据,以公交场站自身工艺、技术、运营特点为基础,努力改善其土地占用量大、环境污染重和场站形象差的缺点,以满足使用功能为首要目标,力争在设计中达到土地利用集约化、环境污染最小化、规划设计可持续化,同时兼顾场站形象的塑造和城市文脉的传承。最后本文以公交停车场为例,详细阐述了从城市环境角度出发的公交场站规划设计方法,同时在杭州阮家桥公交停保基地规划设计的实践中,进一步深化了对公交场站规划设计的认识。图80幅,表13个,参考文献29篇。

【Abstract】 As economic evolution, cities have entered a stage of rapid development. Following the rapid expansion of city size, traffic problems go into prominent. Public transport become effective solution of traffic problem and more and more important. In China, because of economic development and other reasons, rail, subway and other rapid transit are still big city patent, bus is still the main part of public transport. Today as developing bus priority is the best way to solve urban traffic problems, the importance of construction of public transport infrastructure take more and more attention. Big cities have a lot of problems such as scarcity of land, traffic congestion serious and complex site conditions, what present more challenges and difficulties.Combined with the construction of bus fields and buildings have comparatively lagged behind in our country, the research is especially necessary. Planning and design of bus fields and buildings is a huge complex subject, this article is started with the relationship of bus site and the urban environment, based on extensive literature and practical case studies and analysis, summary and discusses the planning and design of bus fields and buildings strategies and methods. Results indicate that the planning and design of bus site should use the spatial structure of urban land as the background, taking the road network and passenger traffic as the mainly causation, based on the situation to its own technology, technical, operational characteristics, based on efforts to improve the capacity of its land use Large, heavy pollution and poor image of the shortcomings of the station to meet the primary objective of using the feature, and strive to achieve in the design of land use intensification, pollution minimization, planning and designing sustainable, taking into account the shape and image station urban context of heritage. Finally, with bus parking lot, for example, detailed urban environment from the perspective of the bus station planning and design approach, while public transportation in Hangzhou Ruanjiaqiao design had suspended the practice of site planning, further deepening the bus station plan design understanding.

  • 【分类号】U491.17
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】1244

