

The Comparison of Green (Sustainable) Building Evaluation Standard in China, Britain and United States

【作者】 胡芳芳

【导师】 王元丰;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 结构工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 建筑业是二氧化碳等温室气体排放的重要来源。在全球气候变化的大背景下,大力发展绿色建筑势在必行。为了推动绿色建筑的发展,一些国家除了制定相关的建筑节能标准、政策外,还从节约能源,有效利用资源和保护环境的角度,制定了《绿色建筑评价标准》,从节能、场地选择、节水、节材与环境保护等方面对建筑物进行评价,并对建筑物整体绿色性能做出最终评定。本文首先对国内外建筑业能源消耗发展及现状进行归纳性总结,强调了建筑业推行节能减排的重要意义和必要性。然后基于对国内外现有建筑节能标准和绿色建筑评价标准,重点对美国LEED-NC、英国《可持续住宅标准》和中国的《绿色建筑评价标准》从节能、场地选择、节水、节材和室内环境等五方面进行研究对比。通过对比分析指出我国现有绿色建筑评价体系在体系的覆盖范围、测评指标的准确性、配套标准的完善性和评价机构的独立性等方面存在着较大的改进空间。最后,为了进一步体现出三种评价体系的共同点和差异性,本文以Visual Basic 2006作为开发平台,开发出了绿色建筑对比评估系统CASGB (Comparsion A ssessment System for Green Building)。该软件包含三个国家的绿色建筑评估标准,对于同一个建筑可以直观的进行评估,得出在不同评价体系下的结果。利用CASGB对一个具体的住宅建筑进行评估,给出了一些增强绿色性能的改造性建议。

【Abstract】 The building sector is the main emission source of green house gases.Under the background of global climate change, it is imperative to develop green building. In order to promote the development of green building effectively, in addition to the development of relevant building energy efficiency standards, policies, many countries from the aspects of energy conservation, efficient use of resources and protecting environment, drafted "green building rating standards"to evaluate buildings from aspects of conserving energy,land, water, materials and environmental protection, and evaluate the overall green performance of buildings.This paper summarized the current situation of energy development of the construction sector in diffent countries to underline the importance and necessity of construction sector energy conservation. In addition,based on the existing building energy efficiency standards and green building rating standards, the U.S. LEED-NC, the United Kingdom "Sustainable housing standards" and Chinese "Green building rating standards" are selected to make comparision from five aspects of conserving energy,land, water, materials and indoor environment,concluding that there was large room for improvement of chinese green building rating system in the coverage and the accuracy of measurement indicators.Finally, to further reflect the differences of the three evaluation systems, this paper choose Visual Basic 2006 as a development platform, developed a compa rison evaluation system for green building CASGB (Assessment System for Gree n Building). The software contains three country’s green building assessment stan dards, it can make assessment for buildings with the three standards.A real resid ential building is used to demonstrate the applicability of the systems.

【关键词】 可持续发展绿色建筑标准中国英国美国CASGB
【Key words】 Sustainable DevelopmentGreen buildingsStandardsChinaUKUSACASGB
  • 【分类号】TU201
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】1933

