

The Analysis of the Road Network Status Based on the Road Traffic Delay

【作者】 李晨曦

【导师】 贾利民;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 智能交通工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 交通路网作为社会经济运行的主要载体之一,其稳定性直接关系到国民经济的正常发展。伴随城市经济水平和机动化水平的提高,城市的交通拥堵问题日益严重,逐步从单一性的路段或者交叉口的拥挤演化为区域性的网络拥堵。为了解决这一问题,首先就要对城市交通网络的交通状况进行评价和分析,并在此基础上制定相应的管理措施。目前道路交通状态评价研究已经较为成熟,但面向区域路网交通状态评价领域的研究还并不是很多。现有研究成果中,主要以路网可靠性、路网交通流参数均值等方式来评价路网的交通状态。本文结合实际路网交通特征,选择路网单位里程延误这一物理意义较为明确的指标,作为路网交通状态的评价方法。基于以上分析,本文根据微波检测器所采集的快速路交通流数据,对交通流状况进行分析,以路段速度空间分布曲线为基础,研究了一种基于交通流分模态的道路交通延误计算方法,并提出了道路单位里程平均延误这一评价指标,用以评价道路的延误水平。根据道路交通服务水平主观评价的分级标准,对于延误进行了等级划分,确定处于拥堵状态的延误等级标准,为研究路网中拥堵路段的分布提供依据。在此算法的基础上,探讨了面向不同对象的两种路网延误。其中路网宏观单位里程平均延误是以交通管理部门为对象,旨在为交通管理部门提供路网的延误水平宏观评估结果,为交通管理部门的宏观交通措施的制定提供支持;路网OD径路单位里程平均延误旨在为出行者提供出行径路选择,出行延误时间估计道路延误水平评估等作用。最后采用北京市工作日与双休日的交通数据,进行了分析方法和延误计算算法的实例计算。并在此基础上,对所选实例区域路网从路网的总体延误程度、路网的延误影响范围、路网的延误时间分布、以及少数延误水平较低的路段的分布等方面进行了综合评估分析。

【Abstract】 As one of the main factors for the socio-economic, the transport network’s stability is directly related to the development of the national economy. The city’s traffic congestion problems get worsening with the raising of the urban economy and motorization. Gradually the congestion of the road or intersection evolved into regional network congestion. To solve this problem, we should evaluate and analysis the traffic situation in urban traffic network, and on this basis, formulates appropriate management measures. Currently, the state evaluation of the road traffic has been more mature; however, the study of the evaluation of the regional road network traffic conditions also not much. Existing research results, mainly to network reliability, average network traffic flow parameters such means to evaluate the road network traffic conditions. So this paper combined with road network traffic characteristics, use the road network delay per unit distance which physical meaning was specific as the state of network traffic evaluation method.Based on the above analysis, this paper analysis the traffic flow conditions based on the expressway traffic flow data collected by microwave detector. And establish a road transport delay calculation which based on the road speed distribution curve and the sub-modal traffic flow theory. And this paper proposed the road network delay per unit distance as the evaluate index, to evaluate the level of road delays. And according to subjective assessment of road traffic service level of grading standards, this paper developed the grading standards of the delay, and determine the congestion state of the delay in grading standards. And the study of the distribution of congested road in the road network was based on these works.Based on this algorithm, this article discussed two different object-oriented road network delay indexes. The road network overall average delay per unit distance index is targeted traffic management, and it was designed to provide road network traffic management delays the macro level assessment, and to support the traffic management to development the macro traffic management measures. Road network average delay per unit distance OD pathway is designed to provide travel choice travel path, travel time delay estimation and the evaluation of the path delay for the travelers. The article finally uses the Beijing traffic data in working day and weekend, analysis the method and examples of calculation of the delay calculation algorithm. And on this basis, the selected instance of the regional road network traffic conditions is evaluated.


