

Research on Konwledge Flow of Creative Industry

【作者】 郑颖昊

【导师】 张梅青;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 产业经济学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 创意产业集群的知识流动是集群竞争力形成的动力,是创意产品价值增值的实现条件。目前对于创意产业集群的研究,更多的是着重于创意产业集群的发展模式、网络结构等问题。这些研究基本上围绕着“创意产业及集群缘何产生、如何发展”这一核心命题展开的,而它们所使用的是从产业组织理论入手的、自上而下的研究方法。这种宏观的研究方式具备对各种产业研究的普适性,却难以做到与创意产业特性的完美融合。知识作为创意产业的核心,其在集群中的流动成为了创意产业金额集群存在与发展的基础。本文试图从知识流动这一现象入手,对创意产业与集群进行研究。本文所持的观点是:没有知识流动,创意就很难成为产业、集群很难形成规模、创意产品很难实现价值增值。本文从知识流动这一视角出发,研究创意产业与集群的发展。本文研究共分为五部分内容。第一部分,对创意产业、创意产业集群和知识流动等相关理论进行综述。第二部分对创意产业进行了界定,并对确定了知识流动的概念和范围,将知识分类为显性知识和隐性知识。第三部分阐述了知识流动对创意产业的作用,认为知识流动是创意产业集群竞争力形成的动力、是创意产品价值增值的实现条件,同时带动了相关产业的发展。并且研究了知识流动的内容和阶段与影响因素。第四部分对野村郁次郎的知识流动模型和知识发酵模型进行了分析与评价,构建了创意产业集群知识流动综合模型,对模型中知识流动的动力进行了分析,研究了动力的要素与动因。第五部分主要研究了创意产业集群知识流动的实现途径,包括创意企业之间的交流、创意企业与公共机构交流、创意人员间的交流和创意知识的扩散四种途径。并且分析了我国创意产业集群知识流动存在的问题,并提出了构建支撑体系的方法,具体包括构建创意产业资料库系统、营销系统、公共服务系统、产业活动系统和城市创新系统等。

【Abstract】 Knowledge flow of creative Industry cluster is the motion of the formation of clusters competitiveness and the realization of added value. Now, more research of the creative industry cluster focus on development model, network structure and other issues of creative industry cluster. These studies basically begin with the core problem "Why creative industries and clusters produce and how to develop them". They use the theory of industrial organization approach, top down research methods. This macro research methods have a variety of industry research. But it is hard to merge with the characteristics creative industries perfectly. Knowledge as the core of the creative industries, the flow in the cluster becomes the basic of creative industry clusters. This paper attempts to start from the knowledge flow and research on the creative industries and clusters. This reflects the view that:No knowledge flows, creative is difficult to become creative industries, cluster is difficult to be on scale, creative products are difficult to realize added value.this paper studies the phenomenon of knowledge flows of creative industries cluster from the perspective of knowledge flows. This paper is divided into five parts. First part is the sudy of the creative industries. Creative industries cluster and the related theory of knowledge flows are reviewed. The second part defines the concept and scope of knowledge flows, classifies knowledge as explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge. The third part sets the effect of the knowledge flow on creative industries that knowledge flow is the motion of the formation of clusters competitiveness and the realization of added value. The fourth part analyzes and evaluates SECI process, building knowledge flow model of creative industries cluster. The fifth part studys the realizaton of the knowledge flow of the creative industry cluster, including the exchange between creative enterprises, sharing ideas between enterprises and public institutions, the exchange among creative people and knowledge diffusion. It also anlyzes the problems of knowledge flow in China and proposes methods of building support system, including building creative industries database system, marketing system, public service system, the system of industrial activity and urban creative systems

  • 【分类号】F270
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】358

