

Study on Soil Disturbance during Long-distance EPB Shield Tunneling in Water-rich Sandy Strata

【作者】 杨志新

【导师】 袁大军;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以广州地铁3号线矮岗至新机场南区间盾构施工为背景,结合现场试验监测结果和有限元数值模拟的比较分析,对长距离富水砂层土压平衡盾构施工对土体的扰动机理、扰动规律、控制方法进行了研究,得出如下主要结论:(1)盾构施工对土体的扰动是多种因素作用的结果,在盾构施工中,加强监测和信息反馈及时调整施工方案同时提高盾构操作人员的技术水平可有效减少盾构施工对土体的扰动。(2)受扰动土体的竖向位移大于水平位移,盾构施工引起的地层损失是土体扰动的直接原因,调整注浆压力及时填充建筑间隙和避免蛇形掘进可有效减少地层损失。(3)地表沉降符合peck理论,纵向影响范围为切口前18m,切口后30m,横向影响范围为隧道轴心线两侧各3D的范围。(4)有限元数值模拟的结算结果和现场试验结果能够很好的吻合,这说明,有限元数值模拟是研究盾构施工土体扰动的有效工具,在预测盾构施工对土体的扰动方面具有很高的实用价值。

【Abstract】 The background of the paper comes from the actual project Aigang-New Airport South interzone of Guangzhou subway line 3. By comparing the monitoring results of field tests and finite element numerical simulation, long-distance water-rich sand earth pressure balance shield construction generated Mechanism of soil disturbance, disturbance laws, control methods were studied. Reached the following conclusions:(1) The soil disturbance of the shield construction is the result of multiple factors, in shield construction, strengthen the monitoring and information feedback, adjustment of the construction program timely and increase the skill level of shield operators can effectively reduce the shield construction on soil disturbance.(2) Disturbed soil on the vertical displacement is greater than the horizontal displacement. Ground shield loss due to construction is the direct cause of soil disturbance. Adjust the injection pressure filled construction space timely and avoid the occurrence of snake-like tunneling can be effective in reducing formation damage.(3) Surface subsidence meet the peck theory.Longitudinal affected area is from 18m in front of the incision to 30m behind it, and horizontal affected area is about 3 times of diameter of shield on each side of the tunnel.(4) Finite element simulation results and field test the settlement results can match well, which shows numerical simulation as a tool for the study of shield construction caused soil disturbance works well, while its construction of the shield in prediction the disturbance of soil has a high practical value.

  • 【分类号】U455.43
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】241

