

Numerical Study of Flow and Heat Transfer in the Near Field of Nuclear Waste Repository in Saturated Rock with Fault

【作者】 林强

【导师】 项彦勇;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以高放废物深地质处置库工程为研究背景,采用数值模拟计算分析断层带参数(包括断层带渗透系数、位置、倾角、宽度)对高放核废处置库近场渗流-传热的影响特征。主要结论如下:(1)渗透系数高值条件下热流量无法越过断层带影响到另一侧岩石,且断层带内的温度梯度极小,断层带内的温度与影响到的底部边界的温度几乎一致;中值条件下热流量可以越过断层带影响到另一侧岩石区域,但此时断层带内水流的对流传热作用不可忽略,断层带内存在较大的温度梯度;低值条件下区域最终温度场与不设断层带时几乎一致,此时断层带内的对流传热作用可以忽略。渗透系数越大,影响到边界所需要的传热时间越短,断层带内的温度越小。(2)设定两条不对称的断层带,通过其影响边界所需要的时间长短确定断层带与热源中心距D、断层带宽度d以及渗透系数k这三个参数两两之间对温度场影响程度大小。若存在左、右两条断层带,只要两条断层带单位时间内通过断层带的水流流量一定,即dk乘积相等时,则可以认为两条断层带的渗透系数与断层带宽度分别相等以简化模型。在渗透系数为中、高值条件下,简化模型得出的结果是精确的,两条断层带的温度差值在5%以内。就是说,断层带内的渗透系数k与断层带宽度d对温度场分布的影响程度为线性关系。而断层带与热源中心距D对整个温度场的影响与其余两个参数并不成线性关系,断层带与热源中心距D的影响要大于断层带宽度d及渗透系数k的影响。(3)断层带倾角对最终温度场的影响。在地表入渗处水压相同的条件下,水平断层带内的最终温度要远远大于垂直断层带;垂直断层带角度不同,则下部断层带越靠近热源影响边界温度的时间越短,但最终温度几乎没有太大差别。

【Abstract】 This paper mainly presents the research based on the the deep geological disposal of high level radioactive waste, in the numerical simulation we need to change the parameters of the faulted zone (including permeability, position, dip, width) in order to find the character of flow and heat transfer in the near field of nuclear waste repository in saturated rock with fault.The mainly conclusions are:When heat flux affects the boundary, it can not pass over the faulted zone and affect the other rock mass in the condition of high permeability coefficient value, the temperature gradient within the fault zone is very small,the temperature of the faullt zone is nearly eaqul to the temperature of bottom boundary;it can pass over the faulted zone and affect the other rock mass in the condition of medium value but the convective heat role of the flow in the faulted zone should not be ignored; in the low value the final temperature field is nearly exactly as the field without the faulted zone, and the convective heat role of the flow in the faulted zone can be ignored. With larger permeability coefficient, the heat transfer to boundary required shorter time, and the temperature of the faullt zone is smaller.Set two unsymmetric faults in the model, through the duration which heat transfer to boundary to get the impact to the temperature field of the zone by the distance D between faulted zone and the center of heat source、the faulted zone width d and the permeability coefficient k.With two faults at left and right zone,if the water flow through the two faults in per unit time is equal, that’s to say, the product of the permeability coefficient k and the faulted zone width d is constant, than we can consider the coefficient k and d of the left and right falut are equal in order to simplify the model.Especially in the condition of high or medium permeability coefficient value,the outcome of the simplification is very close to what before it, the temperature difference between the two faults is within 5%. That’s to say,the impact to the temperature field of the zone ofκand d is linear. The relationship between the impact,which is exerted by D, on the whole temperature field and other two parameters are nonlinear.The impact of faulted zone dip to the final temperature field. In the condition of same Infiltration water pressure, the horizontal faulted zone is much larger than the vertical faulted zone; if the angle of vertical faulted zone is different, the nearer the lower faulted zone to the heat, the shorter time the faulted zone affects the boundary temperature, however, almost no significant difference between the final temperature.

  • 【分类号】TU45
  • 【下载频次】122

