

Study on Coordination of Motor-rail Multimodal Transportation Facilities and Equipments

【作者】 徐岚

【导师】 谢海红;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 城市交通工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着公路和铁路的快速发展,路网规模的扩大、运输能力的提高,为我国发展集装箱公铁联运提供了契机。集装箱公铁联运将公路和铁路的优点结合起来,其便捷性、经济性更好的满足了现代化物流发展的需求。衔接过程是公铁联运的关键所在,而设施设备配置又决定了衔接过程中的作业效率和能力,是集装箱公铁联运的瓶颈和限制所在,因此对我国集装箱公铁联运设施设备配置进行系统的研究十分必要。本文首先对集装箱公铁联运的特点、国内外发展情况及存在问题进行介绍,阐述分析了国内发展集装箱公铁联运存在的不足,提出了发展集装箱公铁联运的策略。其次,在分析了集装箱公铁联运衔接组织的基础上,根据集装箱公铁联运的需求对集装箱办理站的布局、装卸场布置及站线数量和有效长度及其他设施布局等给出了选择与配置建议;对我国目前集装箱公铁联运的载运单元情况进行分析,得出集装箱箱型数量配置方案、铁路平车和公路集卡的装载方案;根据集装箱办理站的功能特点以及不同装卸机械作业性能的比较,对集装箱办理站装卸机械配置提出建议方案。最后引入协调度评价模型,采用层次分析法建立集装箱公铁联运设施设备配置协调评价指标体系并确定各指标权重;最后以宁夏惠农陆路口岸为例,通过协调度评价得出协调度评价结果,初步验证了方法的实用性与有效性,为我国已建成的集装箱办理站的设施设备配置情况进行协调度评价提供数学方法及理论参考。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of road and rail network scale expansion, the improvement of transport capacity provides great opportunity for container’s development. Container Motor-rail Multimodal transport combined the advantages of road and rail transportation’s convenience, economy and meet the demands of the modern logistics. Convergence process is the key procedure and bottleneck in Motor-rail Multimodal transport on facilities and equipments while it decided efficiency and capacity. So it’s important to research on facilities and equipment configuration. This paper introduced the characteristics of the Container Motor-rail Multimodal transport, domestic and international developments and the existing problems are discussed, analysis of the internal development of container rail freight to the shortcomings of the development of container rail freight strategy; in the analysis of container rail freight link organizations basis, according to the needs of container rail freight container handling station layout, and proposed container processing station type selection, loading and unloading stations for decoration and line number and configuration of the proposed effective length; on China’s current container rail freight The carriage unit to analyze the situation, obtained the number of configuration container box, flat rail cars and highway truck loading programs; container handling stations according to features and operating performance of different mechanical loading compared to the container handling station configuration Handling Equipment put forward proposals; the introduction of coordinated evaluation model, used AHP to establish container rail freight facilities, equipment, coordination of evaluation index system configuration and to determine the index weight; Finally, Ningxia Huinong Land Port as an example, compare container intermodal facilities and equipment configurations between 2009 to 2010, and drawn the result through the coordination of evaluation. Analyzing the shortcomings of container handling station, as China has built container handling station facilities configuration coordinate evaluation methods and provide theoretical basis for mathematics.


