

The Preliminary Analysis of Tectonic Movement along the Bedding Plane and Its Relationship with Reservoir Formation

【作者】 修艳敏

【导师】 张金功;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文以沾化凹陷(拉张盆地)第三系、柴达木盆地(挤压盆地)西部第三系、鄂尔多斯盆地(挤压盆地)上古生界为重点研究对象,通过岩心观察、薄片(包括荧光薄片)分析、岩石压缩、回弹与破裂实验、地质解析等方法,对拉张性盆地、挤压性盆地沉积岩中沿岩层层面的相对运动及其原因进行了初步分析,并对发生相对运动的岩层面的渗透率及流体运移痕迹进行了初步研究,主要取得了以下认识:1、在沾化凹陷(拉张盆地)第三系、鄂尔多斯盆地(挤压盆地)上古生界及柴达木盆地(挤压盆地)第三系的沉积岩层的界面上,存在大量平整、光滑的滑移面,有的具有划痕、阶步,有的具有镜面特征,能够判断沿岩层层面相对运动的方向。说明在含油气盆地的沉积岩层中,普遍存在着沿岩层层面的相对运动。2、拉张盆地中,沿岩层层面的相对运动与不同岩层在埋藏过程中平行层面方向伸展率的差异有关。在同等埋深条件下(同等垂向应力条件下),不同岩性间伸展率不同,导致沿岩层层面发生相对滑移。挤压盆地中,不同岩层平行层面方向收缩率和破裂强度的不同是导致沿层面发生相对运动的主要原因。在同等挤压应力作用下,收缩率小的岩层优先沿层面破裂并产生相对的滑移。3、发生层面滑移的岩性界面具有较高的渗透率,一般为198-56500×10-3μm2,而未发生层面滑移的岩心渗透率一般为0.0041-23.3×10-3μm2。沿岩层层面电镜和荧光资料表明,在岩层滑移面上,流体往往沿有限的运移通道运移,该通道成分复杂,具有较强的荧光。

【Abstract】 In this paper, we take Tertiary of Zhanhua depression (extensional basin)、Tertiary of west Qaidam Basin (compressional basin) and Upper Paleozoic of Ordos Basin(compressional basin) as main reaserch areas. Through the cores observation, slices (including fluorescent slices) analysis, rock compression-resilience-break experiments, geological analysis and other methods, we primarily analyze the tectonic movement along the bedding plane and the causes of it. We also primarily study the permeability and fluid migration traces of the sedimentary rocks where the tectonic movement along the bedding plane has happened, obtaining the following understanding:1.In sedimentary rock layer interfaces of Tertiary of Zhanhua depression (extensional basin)、the Upper Paleozoic of Ordos Basin (compressional basin) and the Qaidam Basin, (compressional basin), there are a lot of flat、smooth gliding planes. Some have scratches, steps, and some have mirror structure, from which we could tell the direction of the tectonic movements along the bedding plane. These gliding planes prove that the tectonic movements along the bedding plane are widely existed in the layer of sedimentary rock of oil and gas bearing basins.2.In extensional basin, the tectonic movements along the bedding plane are related to the parallel bedding plane elongations of different rocks in process of buring. Buried in the same conditions (same vertical compressive stress conditions), elongations between different rocks are different which result in gliding along the bedding plane.In compressional basins, different parallel bedding plane contraction and rupture strength of rock lead to the tectonic movements along the bedding plane. In the same compressive stress condition, the rock whose contraction is low breaks first.3.The rock interfaces with gliding along the bedding plane have a high permeability between 198×10-3μm2 and 56500×10-3μm2, the rock without gliding along the bedding plane has a permeability between 0.0041×10-3μm2 and 23.3×10-3μm2. SEM and fluorescence data show that on the face of gliding along the bedding plane fluid migrates in a limited migration pathway. the migration pathway has a complex composition and has strong fluorescence. The composition of the migration pathway is complex and its fluorescence is strong.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

