【作者】 魏晓娟;
【导师】 李芳民;
【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2010, 硕士
【摘要】 东晋大诗人陶渊明以其高尚的人格、优美的诗文而称誉古今,历代为陶集作注者不胜其数,清代陶澍在吸收前人成果的基础上为之作注,成《靖节先生集》一书。本文就陶澍本人及其此著为研究对象展开探讨。本文共分四章。第一章通过征引正史、地方志、杂著、别集以及史志类著作以及思想史、文化史等有关文献,对陶澍的生平、作品、思想作出考察。第二章介绍《靖节先生集》的成书与流传,考述其成书过程,并且介绍现存版本情况。第三章介绍校勘成果,首先介绍《靖节先生集》的底本与参校本,在此基础上通过对其校勘情况的考察,分析陶澍所运用的校勘原则、校勘方法及其所取得的成果。第四章主要考察陶澍注陶集时所采用的注释方法。运用比较分析与归纳的方法,考察陶澍注释陶集的特点。首先,通过例证说明陶澍受乾嘉学派的影响,沿用了传统的训诂注释方法。其次,《靖节先生集》正确把握陶集诗文内容和艺术形式,能够准确阐明诗意,阐释诗文艺术风格。再次,陶澍的《靖节先生集》作为清代具有总结性质的一部著作,对以往注本的错误之处进行了纠正,他引用各种材料、进行多方考证,力图使其尽善尽美,并且提出了自己独特的见解,启发了后世学者。最后,陶澍注本继承了李公焕开创的对陶集版本的集注和集评的方法,通过注陶,把集注,集评之风推向了顶峰,使得《靖节先生集》成为注释最为详备的一部著作。本文力图立足在陶澍注陶的文献基础上,吸收前人对注陶研究的成果以及其他相关研究成果,对陶澍注陶作出全面、深入、细致的考察。结语部分总结了陶澍注《靖节先生集》的价值和特点,并指出其某些缺陷与不足。
【Abstract】 Easten Jin Danasty poet Tao Yuan-ming is famous for his noble personality and beautiful poetry. There are lots of scholars annotating. In the late Qing Dynasty, scholar Tao Shu annitated in the absorption of previous achievement. The paper on Tao Shu himself and his Jing Jie Set Annotations about Tao Yuan-ming’s works,manily these two aspects were disdussed.This paper was divided into four chapters. Chaper I quoted many sets of books rebelant literature on the life and deeds of Tao Shu,and reviewed to explore Tao Shu’s academic background and his academic thinking.ChaperⅡ,the publishing and circulating of Jing Jie Set Annotations about Tao Yuan-ming’s works were studied.ChaperⅢwas devoted to proofread achievement, analyse the principle of collation, collate methods and the results achievedChaperⅣ, the contents and methods of Tao Shu’s annotions was demonstrated. First, the paper summarized its main feature in the academic inheritance. Secondly, Jing Jie Set Annotations grasped the content and forms of the artistic poems. Thirdly, it corrected the errors among the present notes, cited a variety of materials for multi-research, and made the unique perspective, then inspired later scholars.Finally, Tao Shu inherited the annotations of the version and collective evaluation and set them into the peak.The discussion part summed up the conclusion of the main achievements of Tao Shu’s annotions and academic value, and pointed out some shortcomings and inadequacies.