

The Compensation System Redesign Study of Dongyue International Co. Ltd

【作者】 耿力

【导师】 白永秀;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 工商管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着知识经济的飞速发展,薪酬不再仅仅是公司运营成本的组成部分,更是公司进行人力资本投资的重要手段。如何制定科学合理的适合企业发展战略和长远目标的薪酬体系,保证在合理成本付出的前提下注重员工潜能的开发,最大限度地激励员工努力工作是东岳国际股份有限公司和其它企业必须解决的重大问题,也是本文研究的核心内容。本文在对国内外薪酬体系研究现状和成果进行分析的基础上,以全面薪酬体系为理论依据,对完善东岳国际股份有限公司的薪酬体系提出基本措施和配套措施。本文首先概述了东岳国际股份有限公司的主营业务、组织结构、发展战略、人力现状、薪酬体系现状;然后运用compa-ratio薪酬均衡指标与问卷调查方法找出目前东岳国际股份有限公司薪酬体系中存在的问题,针对这些问题,将东岳国际股份有限公司的薪酬体系引入到全面薪酬体系中,使其更加系统化、全面化。为此,提出的五项基本措施包括:构建双轨晋升制、完善绩效考核制度、完善岗位工资结构、制定弹性工作制度、培训体系、。同时为辅助这些基本措施的顺利实施,从控制工资成本、管理协调员工内部流动、公司领导支持和员工理解三个方面制定了配套措施。本文主要以全面薪酬体系为理论依据为东岳国际股份有限公司薪酬体系提出了一系列完善措施。尤其是涉及内在薪酬和绩效考核体系的措施是对公司现行薪酬体系有效及时地补充和完善,对于其它企业具有一定的参考价值。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of knowledge-based economy, Compensation is no longer merely a component of operating costs for companies, but an important means of human resource investment. How to formulate scientific and rational compensation management system consistence with the enterprise development strategies and long-term goal, to ensure that at a reasonable cost, focus on developing employees potential, motivating maximize them to work hard, which is the major issue that must be stressed by Dongyue International Co.Ltd and other enterprises, which is also the core of this paper.In this paper, the compensation system redesign of Dongyue International Co.Ltd is proposed on the basis of analyzing the compensation system of domestic and foreign research and results, using total compensation system as the basis of theory. Firstly, introduce the company’s main business, organizational structure, strategic objectives and long-term goal, the present status of compensation system. Then, use Compa-Ratio compensation balance indicators and questionnaire surveys to identify the problems of Dongyue International Co.Ltd’s current compensation system. According to these problems, the compensation system of Dongyue International Co.Ltd will be designed more systematic and comprehensive on the basis of total compensation theory. Therefore, the five basic measures have been put forward which including:build the dual-track promotion system, flexible working hours, training system, and performance merit system, improve the position compensation program. Moreover, to help implement these basic measures successfully, three assistant measures have been applied by controlling pay cost, the arrangement of staff internal move, the support of the leaders of company and understand of staff.The series of improvement measures of the compensation system of Dongyue International Co.Ltd company are posed on the basis of total compensation system theory. Especially the measures related to the internal compensation and performance merit system are the improvement and complement for the present compensation system. It must have reference value for other enterprises.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期
  • 【分类号】F272.92
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】346

