

【作者】 黄玲

【导师】 梁星亮;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 1942-1945年陕甘宁边区的模范村建设,是边区农村建设的新探索和“亮点”。本文考察了边区模范村建设的缘由和发展状况,考察了边区第一个模范村——吴家枣园,并在此基础上认识到边区模范村建设的类型多样化,不光重视创建生产模范村,同样重视教育、卫生等模范村的创建,营造边区农村生活的新面貌;同时考察了边区模范村的建设特色:以政治启蒙为主导,提高边区农民的生产积极性,以竞赛为号召,推动边区各项工作的开展,以组织变工为手段,凸显劳动力资源的整合优势,以劳动模范为榜样,突出劳动英雄的示范作用,以干群关系融洽为主导,发挥优秀村干部的领导作用,以树立新风尚为目标,改造落后的乡村社会风气;而模范村建设中累积的丰富经验,为当前建设社会主义新农村提供了有益借鉴。

【Abstract】 The construction of model villages in Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Revolutionary Region became a highlight of Revolutionary Region villages’ construction. On the basis of inspecting the reason and status of development of the Revolutionary Region model villages’ construction as well as the first model village——Wu Jia Date Garden, this paper realizes that with the diversification in types, the construction of model villages in Revolutionary Region value not only the construction of production model villages, but also of education and health model villages to create the new look of the rural life in Revolutionary Region; meanwhile, the paper inspects the construction characteristics of the model villages in Revolutionary Region, that is, with political enlightenment as the main lead to raise the farmers’ enthusiasm for production, with competition as the call to push the implementation of all tasks, with the organization of labors’ integration as a means to underline the integration advantages in labor resources, with the labor models as examples to highlight the role labor heroes play, with the harmonious relationship between the cadres and masses as a main lead to play the leading role of excellent village cadres, with the set of a new fashion as a goal to transform the rural social atmosphere; and the rich experience accumulated in model villages’ construction offer useful references for the building of new socialist countryside in the current time.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

