

【作者】 赵欣

【导师】 张弘;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 中国古典文献学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 莲花色比丘尼是佛典中一个历经磨难而出家成道的女性形象,有关她的故事,情节上曲折离奇,在中国本土流传甚广;在佛教典籍中也有大量的记载。所记载的内容可看作两个部分,一部分是对其出家前经历的讲述;另一部分则是对她皈依佛门之后所发生的故事的记录。通过对这些文献资料的整理可知,她是佛陀时代女性出家者中最后得道成佛的著名比丘尼,但长期以来被与另一位名叫微妙的出家女尼混淆为了一人,使得有关她的身份及其故事的流传情沉,就具有了重要的研究价值。前人对莲花色比丘尼的研究成果主要集中在两个方面。一是在文献记载的基础上侧重于对莲花色比丘尼身世或流传情况的探索;二是在混淆二人身份的情况下以叙述微妙比丘尼故事、介绍与之相关的文献资料为主。本文正是在这些研究成果基础上,探索莲花色的真实身份及其故事在中国本土的流传情况。文章的第一二两章,首要是对莲花色尼的身份进行考辨,只有搞清楚她与微妙比丘尼是否为同一个人,才能展开下一步的研究。这部分的考证利用上面学者论著中提供的缐索,在汉译佛典和现代学者翻译的印度原典中寻找有力的证据。如关于莲花色的故事,除了可以在《大正新修大藏经》内搜集到《四分律》、《五分律》外,邓殿臣翻译的印度原典《长老长老尼偈》,也明确的讲到莲花色尼的身世经历,是研究时的重要参考资料。第三章介绍涉及到微妙舆莲花色故事的佛教典籍,亚造行不同典籍之间的比对。文献资料会分别列举记录二人故事的佛教典籍,既包括汉地僧人的译经,也包括汉地高僧自己编纂的佛教著作,力求做到所有文献收录完借。第四章在上一章文献整理的基础上,探索莲尼故事在中国的流传情况。有一个重要的发现,那就是莲花色尼屡为人妻,最后因不知情而与自己的女儿共侍一夫的故事不录于经藏,唯独在律藏中出现。为何会出现这样的现象是值得深入探讨的。其实任何事物的出现总是有其主观和客观的原因,故论文的第三部分就按这一思路重点解决三个问题。第一;莲尼故事的特点及其内容的变化;第二;莲尼乱伦故事经藏不录的现实原因,其中既与汉地僧人自身所受的正统教育有关,同时也是佛教这应本土文化的客观需要;第三;蓬尼乱伦故事录于律藏中的重要性,与上个问题一样,其中既有高僧选择性的翻译佛典的主观因素,也有佛教发展到这一时期,急需完备的律典来规范尼僧宗教行为的客观需要。

【Abstract】 Lotus nun is the female image who had gone through all kinds of hardships and difficulties and finally became a Buddhist nun. Her story is complicated and widely known around China and kept lots of records in Buddhism books. The content of the record is considered two parts. The first part tells the story before she became a nun; the other part is the record of the stories after she became a nun. Through sorting out all the document of her, we can know that she is the famous Buddhist nun, who is the last one to become a female nun, however, for a long time, she was confused with another nun named Weimiao, which made her identity and her story have the significant value of researching. The previous research on Lotus Buddhist nun mainly focuses on the two parts. The first one focuses on the research of her life experience and spreading condition, while the other narrates the story of Weimiao Buddhist nun and introduces the related document on the condition of confused the identity of two people. This paper, on the basis of all the research, explores the real identity of Lotus Buddhist nun and her story spreading around China.The first and the second chapter studies the identity of Lotus Buddhist nun, whether she and Weimiao Buddhist nun is the same person should be made clear before conducting further research and analyzing the China domestic spreading condition of the story of Lotus nun. This part can search for the convincing proof from the Buddhist texts translated in Chinese and the Indian original Buddhism texts translated by modern scholars by using the clues provided by the above scholars in their paper. Such as the story of Lotus nun, except for collecting Dharmagupta-vinaya and saka-vinaya from Da Zheng Zang, the Indian original Theratheri-gatha translated by Deng Dianchen also tells the life experience of Lotus nun, which is the important reference of research.The third chapter mainly narrates the Buddhism books of the story of Weimiao nun and Lotus nun according to the comprehensive document. The data of the document lists the Buddhism books of two persons respectively, not only includes the translated sutras by monks in China’s mainland but also the Buddhist works edited by senior monks in China’s mainland, which tries to make all the document complete.The fourth chapter explores the spreading condition in China on the basis of the document in the previous chapter. It is found that an interesting story hasn’t been record in the collection of sutras is kept in record inVinaya Pitaka which is as a wife for several times, Lotus nun finally being wife of her daughter’s husband without knowing it. Why this could happen inspires our deeply thought. Actually, the appearing of any object has its subjective and objective reason, so the third part of this paper main solves three problems based on the thought. Firstly, the changes of the characteristics and content of the story of Lotus nun; Secondly, the realistic reason of not recording of Lotus nun incest story is not only related to the traditional education received by Han Buddhist monk but also the objective demand for Buddhism to adapt to the domestic culture; thirdly, the importance of the story of Lotus nun recorded in Vinaya Pitaka is related to the subjective factor of Buddhism texts selectively translated by the monk as well as the objective demand for regulating monk and nun religious behavior by complete law text in this period.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 10期
  • 【分类号】B948
  • 【下载频次】315

