

【作者】 孟祥春

【导师】 李国平;

【作者基本信息】 西北大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2010, 硕士


【摘要】 文学的写作就是为了让人阅读,它的价值也只有在读者的阅读、接受中才能得以实现,这就是马克思所说的:“产品在消费中才证明自己是产品、才成为产品”的思想。本文将文学置于当代市场经济的宏阔背景下,选择90年代为研究范围,以王朔及“王朔现象”为个案,从小说这一文本样式在大众日常生活中的传播状况入手,通过由传播形式的变化引起的小说写作的变化,来进一步分析、把握与诠释小说写作的流变脉络和功能实现,以寻找和回答当代文学在新时期发展的内在规律性。本文试从接受学、传播学等角度入手,以一种从文学内里“跳”出来、“逆向”的方式来审视、剖析当代小说。关于王朔现象的研究已经取得了丰硕的成果,但多是集中在文本探讨和文化层面上进行研究,少有从大众文化角度尤其是受众接受角度来研究王朔及王朔现象的成果,王朔及其现象研究在外延拓展上还存在着诱人的前景和广阔的空间。本文试图从这一角度切入,通过对大众传媒影响下的重要文化现象“王朔现象”的剖析,从受众、读者、传媒三者的相关联处入手,解读大众传媒时代文学的写作与消费的变化及发展,从而触类旁通,为各类文化(如精英文化、大众文化等)的共处与融合提供一些有益的启示。随着文学土壤的更新和小说传播形式的变化,本文以王朔小说文本的传播作为观照点,共分三部分:传媒对小说写作与阅读的影响;受众的凸显及以王朔为个案的影视话语霸权下文学书写危机的探析。本文试图通过对上述论题的阐释和论证,从一个侧面对当代文学做点初步的思考和探索。

【Abstract】 The literature is to make people read, its value only in the reader’s reading, accept to be realized, this is the Marx said:"The products in the consumer products in only prove that they are only a product" thinking[2].This article will place the contemporary literary context of market economy, Broad and choose to study the range of 90 to Wang Shuo and "Phenomenon" as a case, the text style from the novels in the public dissemination of the situation in daily life to start bycaused by the change of format changes in novel writing, to further analysis and interpretation of fiction writing grasp the context and function of the flow to achieve, to find and answer to the development of contemporary literature in the new period the inherent regularity. This paper tries to accept the science, communication and other angles, an inside from the literature, "jump" out of "reverse" approach to examine, analyze contemporary fiction.Research on the Phenomenon has achieved fruitful results, but mostly concentrated in the text and cultural levels of study, few from the perspective of popular culture in particular is that the audience accept the context of the results of Wang Shuo and Wang Shuo phenomenon, Wang Shuo and the phenomenonResearch in developing extension and there is still an attractive prospect and the vast space. From this point of trying to cut into the paper, through the mass media under the influence of an important cultural phenomenon, "Wang Shuo phenomenon" of analysis, from the audience, readers, the media associated with the three to start with and interpreting the mass media era of literary writing and changes in consumptionand development, and thus by analogy, for all types of culture (such as elite culture and popular culture, etc.) of the coexistence and integration provide some useful inspiration.With the soil of literature update and novel forms of communication change, this paper, the spread of Wang Shuo’s novels as a reflection point, a total of three parts:the media on the impact of novel writing and reading; audience and to highlight the case of Wang Shuo’s video for the hegemonic discourseunder the crisis of literary writing. This paper attempts to explain and demonstrate the above-mentioned topics, from one aspect of contemporary literature and thought to do a preliminary exploration

【关键词】 传媒受众王朔
【Key words】 mediaAudienceWang Shuo
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西北大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

