

Investigation of Small-sized Catering Hygiene Supervision and Its Long-term Regulatory Mechanism in Zhejiang Province

【作者】 许振昊

【导师】 朱心强;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 公共卫生, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本文通过调查2008-2009年浙江省小餐饮卫生整治与规范工作以来的小餐饮卫生监督现状,主要包括整规前6个省级试点区域乡镇的基本情况和全省开展小餐饮整规工作的整体情况,通过“点、面”结合,了解、分析小餐饮卫生状况、监管难点及存在的主要问题,并尝试从政府部门、职能机构和管理相对人三方面提出建立长效监管机制的相应策略。材料与方法:本文根据《“十小整治”前农村小餐饮店基本现况调查表》对2008年度我省小餐饮卫生整治与规范试点地区的餐饮单位进行调查;全省范围内采用《浙江省“十小”行业整治和规范工作进展情况统计表》统计,通过点(试点区域)和面(全省)数据的比较分析,系统了解整规前后小餐饮卫生现状。各市卫生局协助收集上报辖区内所有的报表,并对报表的内容进行复核。调查对象覆盖浙江省各类小餐饮单位;数据包括试点地区整规工作前小餐饮的基本情况及全省小餐饮整治基本情况(包括出动卫生监督员人次数、车辆数、整治规范率、宣传情况、查处情况等)。统计数据自2008年6月1日至2009年12月31日。结果:通过试点区域整规前小餐饮卫生状况和全省整规前后的结果比较,整规前小餐饮持证率为90.41%,目前持证率为96.64%,提高了6.23个百分点。全省在整规前小餐饮店、小食堂、农家乐、餐饮摊点的规范率分别为:73.2%、80.5%、76.0%、32.5%,目前规范率达90.4%、92.2%、91.6%、82.1%,分别提高了17.2、11.7、15.6、49.6个百分点。共培训小餐饮从业人员494934人次,发放宣传资料373204份,宣传报道2945次。但小餐饮卫生监督仍主要存在以下问题:1.小餐饮卫生条件差,自我管理水平低,小餐饮整顿工作容易出现反复;2.整顿取缔无证小餐饮单位缺乏有效手段;3.部分地区政府扶持力度不够;4.部分地区和监督人员有等待、观望的情绪。结论及建议:提高小餐饮卫生水平和自我管理能力,并不是通过几次专项整顿工作就可以解决的,其表面原因可能是由于业主资金投入不够,执法监管不到位等造成的,其深层原因主要还是由于小餐饮自身和监管部门、政府投入三方面未形成监管“合力”造成的,因此我切实提高小餐饮自身管理水平和软硬件改造,只有从政府主管部门,监管部门,业主自身三方面努力方可达到长效治理的效果,只有政府加大投入和政策倾斜力度,监管部门创新监管机制,进一步提高服务理念,小餐饮业主加强培训,提高产业转型,才能真正的提高小餐饮业主自我管理水平,形成监督部门、餐饮业主和消费者的“三赢”局面。

【Abstract】 This paper had a survey of small-sized catering hygiene supervision since the realignment of the industry in Zhejiang Province from 2008 to 2009, which mainly includes the six pilot provincial towns’situation before carrying out the regulatory measure and the results of the whole province’s small-sized catering regulation. It understands and analyzes the hygiene situation of catering, regulatory difficulties and the main problems in it; meanwhile it tries to set up long-term regulatory mechanism and the corresponding strategies with the three aspects, which are government departments, functional institutions and relative people in management.Materials and Methods:Based on the questionnaire of small-size catering basic status before the "10 small-scale renovation", this paper carried out a survey regarding to the catering entities participating in food hygiene regulation and standardization of Zhejiang province in 2008; Zhejiang province uses the "Zhejiang Province’10 small’ business improvement and progress of the normative work statistics" to have a comparative analysis and understanding of the small-sized catering around the entire regulation health status. Several provincial health bureaus have collected and reviewed all of the reports submitted. The survey covers all types of small-sized catering entities; and the data includes the basic conditions of the small-sized catering before the rectification work and all small-sized catering renovation status across Zhejiang province (including the number of health inspectors dispatched, vehicle number, the rate of remediation standards, promotion, and the status of investigate, etc.). Statistical data is from June 1,2008 to December 31,2009. Results:based on the comparison of the small-sized catering hygiene situation before and after the regulatory across the province, the percentage of certification of the small-size catering was raised from 90.41% to 96.64%; meanwhile, the standard rate of small catering shop, small canteen, bed and breakfast suppliers and temporary foot spot were respectively 73.2%,80.5%,76.0% and 32.5% before the renovation, and it has increased to 90.4%,92.2%,91.6% and 82.1%. During the renovation,494934 small-size catering people have been trained,373204 copies of publicity have been dispatched, and 2945 reports have been delivered.And it shows that there are following problems remaining in small-sized catering hygiene supervision:1.the hygiene situation of small-sized catering is poor, with low levels of self-management capability, and the problems appear repeatedly.2. Lack of effective measure against undocumented small catering suppliers.3. In some areas, government support is inadequate.4. In some areas, the supervisory personnel have passive attitude.Conclusions and recommendations:it is useless for improving the level of hygiene and self-management capabilities of small-sized catering to carry out a few special rectification, because it is only outwardly due to insufficient investment by the owners, but inwardly to the ineffectiveness among small-sized catering suppliers, law enforcement monitoring and the government investment, therefore it is necessary for enhancing the management level of the small-sized catering suppliers to increase governmental investment and beneficial policies, have creation in supervision mechanism, enhance the ideal of service, and to stress the training method and industry transformation. After all, it becomes a "triple win" situation for supervisory authorities, small restaurant owners and consumers.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】F719;R155.5
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】683
  • 攻读期成果

