

Research on the Government Investment Based on the Urban-rural Balance Development

【作者】 裴兰华

【导师】 弭元英;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 会计学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放30多年来,中国的经济社会发展取得巨大的成绩的同时,我国城乡差距已成为社会主要矛盾,严重阻碍经济的可持续发展以及和谐社会的构建。从党中央十六大首次提出城乡统筹概念,到2010年召开的两会,缩小城乡收入差距已成为政府工作重点。2010年是4万亿政府投资计划实施的第二年,加大三农的投资力度,保证城乡统筹有效运行是符合我国当今国情的。今年也是“十一五”规划的最后一年,面向“十二五”,解决三农问题,激活城市农村间的存量资源、将“政府投资”这块“蛋糕”分好,是实施利益公平分配,城乡互动式发展的关键所在。我国学者对城乡统筹发展与政府投资都有相应的研究。城乡统筹发展过程中,政府的作用不容忽视,政府投资对统筹城乡发展发挥着重要的作用。但从现阶段研究状况看,缺少二者之间的协同研究。因此,本文从这一创新领域出发,着重通过理论分析和实证分析、并着重考察哈尔滨地区的城乡统筹发展情况,对政府投资在城乡统筹中的运营现状予以评述;为政府制定合理的政府投资规模,优化政府投资结构,提高投资效益提供了参考依据;最后对现阶段我国城乡统筹发展中的政府投资所存在的问题进行阐述并提出了相应解决对策。

【Abstract】 China’s economic and social development has made great achievements in the past 30 years. The economic level, national strength and international status have improved. However, the gap between urban and rural areas of China has become the main social contradiction, a serious impediment to sustainable economic development and harmonious society. From the perspective of economic development, urban and rural development is narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas; the only way is to promote rural economic growth. This year is last year of the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan", solving the three problems, allocating resources and "government investment" between urban and rural areas, is the key performance of developing the economy.Urban and rural development, the role of government should not be overlooked, the government investment in urban and rural disparities plays an important role. In recent years, Chinese government has attached great importance to rural development, the formation of the central government budget from investments into agriculture and rural economic and social development. 2009, the Government has launched 4 trillion government investment plan into the concrete industry. The reality of huge government investment and strong demand in rural areas, how to determine a reasonable scale of investment, optimize investment structure, and improve investment efficiency is currently the solution of issue.Chinese scholars have studied on the government investment in urban and rural development. But at this stage of the situation, the current literature of urban and rural is rarely in government-funded research. Therefore, from the innovate start, focusing on theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, and focus on study of Harbin urban and rural development in the region, on the government investment in urban and rural areas of the operating status to be reviewed.This article is divided into five parts. In the introduction part, the author explained the urban and rural background and the purpose of this paper; According to China’s urban and rural socio-economic development, the author proposed study of practical significance. The second part, from research purposes, this article defined the concept of urban and rural areas, investment and government investment. Proposed in this paper is to study government investment through the state, the formation of local budgets for investment funds applied to the investment in fixed assets. From the theoretical point of view, rationalize the urban and rural areas and content of government investment, from investment income, investment structure, investment in research in three areas of government investment and the relationship between economic growth and proposed conditions of urban and rural areas in line with our practical significance. This third part is divided into empirical analysis, statistical information on historical data analysis, and distribution of urban and rural income differential between the consumption gap between the asset investment. It affects the steady economic growth, but also affect the stability of the whole society. Meanwhile, from the current situation of Chinese government investment, the author proposed the efficiency of government investment, government investment structure, the efficiency of economic operation situation of the mathematical analysis, which China is on low efficiency. In the third chapter, the author through the urban and rural areas in developed countries, government investment in development experiences, come to perfect the infrastructure construction in rural areas, improve rural investment and financing environment, increased government transfer payments, improving the social security system, etc. Comparison and analysis of domestic and abroad, reached out the four-point problem. Chapter IV, the author selected for the study in Harbin, the Harbin urban and rural areas and assessing the level of government investment. Harbin urban and rural areas from the economic base and social base, and government basis, to the Harbin economic development, social security, living standards, comprehensive assessment of the level of investment in fixed assets; proposed the bottleneck restricting Harbin urban and rural population, land , planning, funding and other issues. In this last chapter, the author of the urban and rural development and government investment recommendations. First, accelerate the pace of rural infrastructure investment. Second, improve the rural public services and social security system. Third, improve the efficiency of government investment in urban and rural. Fourth, build a scientific and rational system of government investment.This study is based on the empirical analysis and normative analysis. Urban and rural areas and the government investment research, statistical data through the government investment to run a comparative analysis and elastic coefficient of the variable analysis by the introduction of the efficiency of government investment profile. At the same time, Based on the eight districts in 11 counties of Harbin in 2008, the data of the empirical analysis, longitudinal comparison of the urban and rural development process, while the urban-rural integration, the establishment of indicators for assessment of factors, indicators of orientation through the development stage.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】F123.9
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】277

