

Analysis on Rural Social Old-age Security System of Jilin Province

【作者】 王金宇

【导师】 于潇;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 关于农村社会养老保险的研究很多,许多人做了定性研究,也有一部分人做的是定量研究。本文立足于新型农村社会养老保险制度,在这一框架下利用人口分析的方法来确定吉林省农村社会养老保险的缴费数额,关于政府(包括中央政府和地方政府)财政投入和农民个人账户的积累分别结合国家政策的相关规定,在此之前进行了一些有利于论文展开的假设。本文的创新之处,给出了一个用于计算月领取养老金标准的简化公式,根据我省的农村家庭食品消费假定了居民生活的三种标准(温饱型、小康型、富裕型)充分分析了三种标准下农民个人的缴费压力与政府的财政压力,尤其是地方政府的财政压力和国家财政政策有一个直观的比较。结论:新农保制度的实施过程中仍然存在许多尚未解决的的问题,包括地方政府职责的缺失,制度衔接上的困难等。最后提出了解决这些问题的几点建议。

【Abstract】 China is a large population, 13.6 million people by 18 million mu of arable land to feed, of which 70% of rural population, according to incomplete statistics, the rural elderly has reached 100 million people. The problem is the rural old-age health care, insurance, and spiritual comfort, etc., systemic security problems is related to social stability and development and social harmony of the question. The results of reform and opening up is all working together to create, so the state made the initial distribution focus on efficiency and justice in redistribution. Construction of rural social security system to address urban-rural divide and to achieve a significant measure of social justice.Chinese farmers in the national construction and development of various periods, have made tremendous sacrifices and contributions. Land transfer, limit the acquisition of food, rich in migrant workers labor, rural savings, these have urban development and national industrialization process has made great the contribution, Need consider is how to make a positive contribution to the peasants of compensation. Further, rural families rely on traditional forms of protection, due to the successful implementation of family planning policy has been gradually to the "4-2-1" structure transformation, the traditional mechanism of raising children for old age is broken. Rural social old-age security system was successfully established, will be resolving the "three rural" issue a key step.The contents of this framework are as follows:First introduced old-age security system in China established in history, including academic exploration, learning from advanced foreign experience, in theory gradually established, and practice there the problem can not be the solution of a unified, still remain the ground place policies to protect level. Jilin Province as a traditional agricultural province, and the economically underdeveloped areas of common areas, are also characteristics of the region, specific performance: (1) The average arable land rural population above the national average, but the output level is not high; (2 ) non-agricultural share of low value-added effect of not relying solely on land; (3) collective economic underdevelopment, lack of supplementary protection. Since 1992, our province through the establishment phase of agricultural insurance, comprehensive shrinking phase, the maintenance of the development stage, pilot stage, the situation in the province of Jilin Province decided to solve the main problem of rural old-age insurance or government and individuals.Second, the aging of rural Jilin Province to predict the future, using 2000 census data as the fifth basic information, access to a number of experts and authoritative statistics department, conducted a series of assumptions, it follows that interval of the population five years, the median age, the percentage of all age and other indicators, to predict the results were analyzed. According to projections in different ways according to the conclusions of the government to pay pressure measurement, one in accordance with the population, one in accordance with the security level, on the basis of this analysis concluded.The fifth paper is the final chapter which to solve these problems and recommendations. From the division of responsibilities, team building, fund management and other aspects of the personal view on the need to improve co-ordination level, especially in co-ordinating national and provincial level to account for the bulk of the land transfer system must be rationalized, the legal system, not for Local Government and the people for profits, the market most of the interests of the people left, to build rural endowment insurance actuarial system, so that the pension insurance system and business integration, more conducive to long-term development of the system, speeding up the level of urbanization, only to break the urban-rural split, the rural and urban areas link up the system in order to fundamentally solve the problem of rural old-age securityThe innovation of this research is: based on existing research to predict the rural elderly population, made in accordance with the type of food and clothing, comfortable, well-off standard for government and individuals pay for pressure measurement, thereby The establishment of rural endowment insurance funds and state subsidies provide a quantitative standard.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】F842.6
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】274

