

The Effects of Brand Experience on Brand Relationship in Sedan Industry

【作者】 康宏侠

【导师】 任俊生;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 企业管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 国内轿车市场的竞争模式正在从价格、车型、广告的竞争转向品牌和价值的竞争,品牌差别成为消费者区别轿车产品和服务的最重要的因素。企业需要通过产品、服务以及营销推广等整合营销手段为消费者提供独特的品牌体验和服务体验,所以,应用新的品牌体验营销模式建立持续稳固的品牌关系成为轿车企业最重要的营销任务。本文结合国内轿车市场的情况,提出一个关系模型,研究品牌体验对品牌关系的影响。经过文献回顾,本研究将品牌体验界定为顾客在购买和消费过程中的心理感受,并将品牌体验划分为感官,情感,思考,行动和关联五个维度。对于品牌关系,本文采纳广义品牌关系的内涵界定,即品牌关系包括消费者、生产者、产品、品牌四个利益主体间的关系,并用承诺/相关度,归属/关注度,熟悉/了解度,信任/尊重度,联想/再认度五个指标来进行衡量。之后,本文通过回归分析研究了品牌体验的各个维度对广义品牌关系的影响,得出了品牌体验的五个维度均对品牌关系有显著正向影响的结论。并发现,其中情感体验影响最大,行动体验和思考体验次之,影响最小的是关联体验和感官体验。这说明消费者已经从产品消费转移到了情感消费,所以,要想建立稳固良好的广义品牌关系,应该加强情感体验策略的实施。

【Abstract】 The sedan industry in China has now entered into a long and stable period of rapid growth together with the vigorous development of China’s economic. Because the domestic car market is becoming more international, the increasing technology and competition makes product homogenization, the models of competition in market such as low price, new vehicle type and advertising have changed into the competition of brand and values, and the difference in brand has become the most important factor for the passenger to distinguish the product and service. So provide unique brand experience and service experience for the consumer is more important than just product high quality products. And make brand experience a new marking model to get a continue stably brand relation with the consumer because the most important task for car companies. General Brand Relationship is a conception includes consumer, producer, product and brand. Have a deep study on this conception can get a better balance between various stakeholders, and so the company could be more initiative in the market. This article is to explore the relationship between Brand Experience and stable Brand Relationship.This study attempts to find out the impact of Brand Experience on Brand Relationship by empirical method. Before empirical studies, this paper make a systematic review on the past literatures about Brand Experience and Brand Relationship. Through summarizing the previous literatures about Brand Experience and Brand Relationship, and then combine with the reality situation of China, I hope I can find a adequate theoretical basis for this study. When review on the literatures about Brand Experience, the focus is conception, classification, dimension, etc. After that, this article defines Brand Experience as the psychological experience of the customer through the process more than just emphasis on the activities or things that the customer experienced. On this basis, after further review on the literatures, this article defines Brand Experience into five dimensions: Sensation, Emotion, Thinking, Action and Relation. To Brand Relationship, the paper focuses on the significance of its general conception. For General Brand Relationship is a conception includes consumer, producer, product and brand four respects,and covering commitments / relevance, ownership / attention, familiar / understanding, degree of trust / degree of respect, association / recognition degree five indexes, so deeply research on this conception could explain the relationship between different stakeholders in the complex market environment more clearly.ON the basis of extensive literatures’review, the paper further creates a theoretical framework, and then gives out related assumptions, at last, layout the questionnaire paper and research methods that needed in this paper. The main object of the questionnaire is the car buyer in Changchun. After a diligent work, a total of 288 valid questionnaires are collected, which is a good support for the paper’s data analysis.To the data that gotten during research, this paper will use SPSS17 to analysis. The research Characteristic is Quantitative Analysis, and the statistical analysis methods are: (1) descriptive statistics (2) reliability analysis (3) construct validity analysis (4) correlation analysis (5) regression analysis.Through the empirical test, after the analysis to the causal relationship between variables with a combination of the specific context in the sedan industry, this paper gives an important conclusion, namely: The impact of the five dimensions included in Brand Experience on the Brand Relationship are all significant positive.Finally, in view of this paper may provide a good advice for the sedan industry to build a good brand relationship and ultimately achieve to form a certain customer loyalty, this article further elaborates the guide significance to the sedan industry combined with the empirical conclusions of this article . Wishes this will help car companies in selecting the appropriate blended types of brand experience methods in marketing, not only have a full attention to the brand experience methods in marketing in order to produce a good performance, but also build a consumer-cored Brand Relationship to benefit the long-term development of the company, further more, the car company should build and maintain a long-term stable brand relationship by the way of brand experience to make itself more initiative and competitive in the fierce market competition.

【关键词】 轿车行业品牌体验品牌关系
【Key words】 sedan industrybrand experiencebrand relationship
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】F273.2;F426.471
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】290

