

Study to the Issue That Selecting and Appointing Cadres of Leading Party and Government of Democratization

【作者】 邓新宇

【导师】 刘雪华;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 公共管理, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 党政领导干部选拔任用是我国官员晋升的基本制度。作为一党执政的政党体制,在中国研究干部选拔任用民主化问题其意义更加广泛而重要。确立此项研究课题的目的主要是通过介绍我国当前推进干部工作民主化问题现状,分析制约民主化发展的主要瓶劲和因素,进而从理论和实践层面寻找进一步扩大干部选拔任用民主的有效措施和基本途径,为提高我国干部选拔任用民主水平提供可行的意见和建议。作为一篇应用型论文,文中对理论研究内容相对较少,更多体现在实证和实践上,而且在立意上突出对干部工作民主的系统研究,涵盖干部选拔任用工作的主要领域和前沿信息,在系统性、全面性以及实用性具有较为明显的特点。在撰写论文过程中,作者通过查阅相关资料、实地调查分析、总结工作实践等方式方法开展研究,并提供了部分各地以及工作所在地的典型案例,力求做到资料详实、分析到位、依据充分、针对性强,希望能对研究此项工作的同仁起到一定的帮助和借鉴。

【Abstract】 Selecting and Appointing Leading Party and Government cadres is an important part of building the party ,expand the cadre of democracy ,the organic unity of the party’s focus on leadership and orderly participation of the masses, is the necessary requirement to improve the party’s cohesion and combat effectiveness, influence, and consolidate the party’s base, is to ensure the quality of cadres and enhance public trust in selection and appointment of a strong guarantee. The current the main form and the basic measures to expand of democracy include to expand to subjects of the initial nomination, improve the democratic recommendation system, and improve methods for inspecting and appraising, and improve decision-making voting rules, selection and introduction of competition mechanism, establish a monitoring and evaluation mechanism. The reasons for affecting the selection and appointment of cadres are more complex, but historical and cultural background, employing the main orientation, pattern of distribution of power, system design problems are particularly evident. Democracy in cadre work should focus on to increase public awareness and participation in the democratic capacity, regulate the power to govern the employment behavior of the main, strengthen the democratic selection and appointment of the supervision and management of four major initiatives.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】D262.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】314

