

Research on Communication Equipment Manufacturing’s International Competitiveness in China

【作者】 丛岩

【导师】 卢艳秋;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 国际贸易学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济发展和对外开放程度不断提高,通信设备制造业已经从90年代的资源密集型产业转型发展成为今日的技术和资本密集型产业,我国通信设备制造业的出口额不断增加,国内通信设备制造业厂商(以中小型企业为主)也大量增加,说明我国通信设备制造业不论是从国内还是从国际,从微观主体的本国企业到我国通信设备制造业这个产业,都全面地接受来自国际经济的竞争。本文在回顾国内外对国际竞争力以及通信设备制造业国际竞争力的研究基础上,分析发现我国通信设备制造业的国际竞争力较上个实际有了大幅度提高,各项贸易比较指数都大幅改善,科技含量和产品附加值大量增加,而这其中,科技是本行业保有竞争力的关键因素。随后,本文对影响我国通信设备制造业国际竞争力的诸多因素进行计量分析,结果表明,R&D投入、FDI以及工业化程度(PRO)对我国通信设备制造业的国际竞争力具有正面的影响,而固定资产投资(INV)对我国通信设备制造业的国际竞争力有着负面的影响。在此基础上,本文从政府和企业两个角度给出了自己的对策和建议。本文的创新之处在于从动态和静态两个方面分析问题,并构建了一个衡量我国通信设备制造业的计量模型,客观分析了影响国际竞争力的因素,不足之处在于,没能与国外的通信设备制造业发展水平作对比,并未突破当前国内研究此问题的局限性。

【Abstract】 When Chinese economic is going to a deeper and wider place, as a high-tech industry who requires high level technology, Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturing Industry is undergoing a period that its scale is increasing and meanwhile, its tech and R&D are also pushing it to transfer from labor-intensive industry to a technology-intensive industry. However, during the transformation, the industry have to suffer the world competition to be strong, so, this article put its emphasis on world competition of the industry, and I expect to analyze the present institution of Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturing Industry comprehensively and find out the advantages and disadvantages, in order to give my suggestions on Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturing Industry’s development.Using the theory of comparative advantage and the theory of competitive advantage, this article analyzes the international competitiveness of Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturing Industry from the static angle and the dynamic angle. On the basis of the static analysis and a well understand of the industry’s present situation, according to the situation in our Country and the data I grasped, I choose some suitable indexes and build a system to measure the industry’s international competitiveness. And then, I made a Econometric Model to analysis the data, and during the process, I can find out what factors influent the competitiveness of China’s telecommunications equipment manufacturing industry.There are 5 chapters in this article, first two chapters are basis deception of the international competitiveness theory, Main content of the first chapter are: the definition of international competitiveness, all kinds of international competitiveness theory home or abroad, researches on the international competitiveness theory of Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturing Industry. All the content can help with a much further understand about the achievement and shortage on this area home or abroad, and it can help me to prevent shortage and use its achievement to do the research. The second chapter gives a detail deception on the static theory and dynastic theory, and then, the basic idea of the article come out: Analyze the history development clues of Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturing Industry statically, to try to find out the key factor who influences Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturing Industry’s development; and then, use the Econometric Model to analysis the data, the result will show comprehensively what are the key points, what are the minor points, and what can push the industry to a higher level, and what will limit the industry’s development.Chapter 3 and chapter 4 is the most important content of the article.According to the analysis with static theory, Chapter 3 analyzes the history data of Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturing Industry, and according to the tendency of the industry’s development, this chapter gives the key factor that influences the industry’s international competitiveness. First of all, give a definition about Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturing Industry, and summarize all the features of this industry, including general features and competitive features. And then, using the theory of comparative advantage and all the relative data from 1995 to 2008, we can calculate RC index which reflects industry competitiveness, and MI index which reflects industry comparative advantage, and then, we gain the conclusion that Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturing Industry in our country put emphasis on R&D, and meanwhile, it is beginning to shift from labor-intensive and technology-intensive.Chapter 4 the analysis is based on competitiveness theory, it analyze some International competitiveness evaluation systems commonly used in the world, such as IMD competitiveness evaluation system and WEF competitiveness evaluation system, but taking Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturing Industry into account, we build a easier competitiveness evaluation system with the basis of Daniel F Burton model. From the angle of competitiveness source, this competitiveness evaluation system qualitatively analyzes the development levels of Telecommunications Equipment Manufacturing Industry in our country, including industry profitability, trade competitiveness, industrial production efficiency. And according to Daniel F Burton model, we choose the following indexes to be the quantitative indicators: sales profit rate, input-output ratio, RC index, MI index, labor productivity, and industrial value added rate. We build the economic model on the basis of data that we can collect, and the result of the model proves that the main factors that influence the industry’s international competitiveness is: FDI (foreign direct investment), PRO (to measure Industrialization) index and INV index (Investment in fixed assets for short) .Chapter 5 is the result of my research, on the basis of the above analysis; I give my suggestion from two aspects: the government responsible for regulation, and the other, enterprises.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】F426.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】362

