

The Analysis of China’s Rural Microfinance Sustainable Development

【作者】 田琳

【导师】 杨惠昶;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 金融学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 “三农”——农业、农村和农民问题,关系到我国改革开放和现代化建设的全局,是我国目前乃至今后较长一段时期亟待解决的重大问题。农村经济的发展,离不开农村金融的推动和支持。作为一种特殊的金融服务,小额信贷在发展中国家得到了很快的发展,成为发展中国家扶贫活动的一种创新的金融服务方式,作为农村金融的重要补充,我国农村小额信贷也在逐步的发展和完善。我国农村小额信贷的运作模式主要是模仿孟加拉国乡村银行模式,而且主要由政府推动。在国家大力促进“三农”发展的背景下,为了能够使农村小额信贷更好的发展,本文介绍了小额信贷和我国农村小额信贷的发展现状及存在的问题,同时借鉴国外小额信贷发展的成功经验,通过分析我国农村小额信贷实践中出现的问题,并结合我国目前农村金融需求状况,探索出能更好的实现小额信贷可持续发展所需要的条件。本文第一章是绪论部分,第二章主要论述了农村金融和小额信贷相关理论,第三章主要论述了国外小额信贷的成功模式,第四章主要论述了我国小额信贷发展及存在的问题。第五章从宏观及微观方面来预测我国农村小额信贷实现可持续发展的条件。

【Abstract】 Issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers, is related to the overall situation of Opening and Reform Policy as well as the modernization construction. It’s a big problem to solve from now on. The development of rural economy can’t be separated from the promotion and support of rural finance.Rural microfinance in developing countries has been rapid developed. It is a financial service to help the poor in developing countries. As an important supplement to rural finance, China’s rural microfinance are gradually developed and refined. China’s rural microfinance of operation is mainly Bangladesh Grameen Bank model to imitate, but mainly by the Government to promote.At the context of promotion of agriculture development, In order to better enable the development of rural microfinance, the paper introduces the rural microfinance and rural microfinance in rural areas of the development of the current situation and problems. At the same time, referring to the development of rural microfinance from abroad and domestic rural microfinance in the process of successful practice experience, according to the current status of the rural financial needs, the paper states better to develop the rural microfinance.Microfinance is a financial service which provides small amount loans to the low-income, and it is a kind of poverty, and also innovation of financial services. From the perspective of international mainstream, poverty or for a specific goal in low-income clients, which microfinance distinguishes other traditional financial poverty alleviation projects. And this kind of institution of financial independence and persistent pursuit of their goal, which have obvious difference with the traditional poverty alleviation projects of long-term subsidy from general government or donor. Our business institutions engaged in microfinance has two parts: the formal financial institutions and microfinance organizations. Among them, the formal financial institutions include rural credit cooperatives, commercial Banks, and then gradually emerging village banks, the rural mutual cooperatives, etc. In the deadline of March 2009, the national rural microfinance cash balance for 2518.6 billion Yuan, a year-on-year growth of the 17.5%, and farmers’coinsurance loan balances 2006.3 billion Yuan, a year-on-year growth of 33.6%. As regional test, 7 microcredit companies loans of Sichuan, Guizhou, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Shanxi Province that by 0.272 billion Yuan, including loans to individuals for 0.216 billion, and the farmer loans at 69470 thousand Yuan.After almost 20 years of China’s microfinance development which has achieved a great progress, but there are still have some deep problems of the system in the primary stage of development in the process of practice, policy and system performance in roughly two aspects. The lack of relevant laws and regulation are in the aspect of policy. Generally in country of better development in microfinance, the government will make its legal status of legitimacy. But the rural microfinance in China is still in the experimental stage and still has no clear legal framework for non-governmental organizations in rural microfinance legal status to define. The second is the source of funds single restraining development. At present the microfinance institutions mainly financed by the international poverty alleviation, national organization of special funds donated funds and central refinancing. The testing regions financial institution and microfinance company can use their own funds loans, but they can’t absorb deposits with any forms, and rely on external financing can not exceed 50% of the registered capital. This only loan no deposits policy that microfinance institutions can just only rely on external capital injection and quantity is limited by the policy, capital sources unstable, without aid will make it difficult to continue. The third is the interest rate restricts the development of microfinance. Deposit rates in China for restrictions on commercial Banks, although open the top of interest rate, but for the rural credit cooperatives extend microfinance rates still restricted in the benchmark interest rate between 0.9-2.3 times,. Village banks enjoy preferential policies, but its interest rate is four times of the benchmark, and without the central refinancing support. Because rural microfinance in China services mainly in low-income groups, its loans in a little amount, complex operation, high transaction costs and only higher interest rates can cover the costs of operation. In aspect of operating system: First, simple financial products and limitation on the loans strictly restrict agricultural development. Most of our microfinance completely copy GB mode, using group coinsurance mode, and lack of innovation, ignoring the differences in foundation of macro between two countries. The single species of the rural microfinance are unable to fully meet the agricultural economic characteristic and satisfy the needs of the development of rural economy. The second is lacking professional financial talents, and management level is low. Microfinance institutions in China have problems in many internal management systems, and they can’t be affection. Lack of the clear strategic objectives and personnel quantity, credit with the financial and management expertise of talents, it makes work efficiency. The third is the microfinance institutions cannot satisfy the alienation of the credit demand. Loan growth will focus on urban of high population density, not in poor rural areas, Loan growth will focus on urban peripheral high population density, in poor rural areas, and the target group gradually to the richer of the rural households. Thus, the weakness of be reluctant to give loan to the poor in traditional commercial banks is also appearing out in microfinance, weakened the efficiency in eradicating poverty. The fourth is the capability of sustainable development is weak. Microfinance isn’t only as a kind of poverty alleviation, also should be realized sustainable, thus its financial deepening and poverty alleviation scope extended, realize its benign circulation development. Because of no mortgage, lending risk in microfinance more than other traditional business, and some farmers lack legal consciousness in the process of operation microfinance, and someone impersonate to use "loan paperwork", causing bad debts and weakening enthusiasm of the rural microfinance, and restrict the sustainable development of the rural microfinance institutions.Some predictions below the government to promote the sustainable development of the rural microfinance: To transform the function and support of government policies. The government of China as a facilitator of the microfinance makes a great influence and contribution which is obvious. Since the microfinance is introduced into China, the microfinance is link with the poverty policy. Second is perfect system. First, to make professional training in pre-job to the personnel of microfinance, from the basis of the financial knowledge about rural economic development to high quality talents who dedicated. Secondly, to speed up the establishment of farmer credit system, the commissioner for microfinance promotional activities to collect the opinion of borrowing family situation, evaluation, economic strength and historical information related to such as lending conditions of credit rating. Getting reference from international successful microfinance interest rate policy and the model in China should relax the restriction of interest rate and increase interest rate. The microfinance institutions can completely to the commercialization of existence and develop strongly, and strengthen our country’s rural financial system. Third, the steady development of economy and the financial system should be further improved. The macroeconomic environment is the basic of the development of financial market. Along with the development of economy, the income level of resident will increase, and the increasing of capital supply and demand will promote the financial system, perfect the system of financial products, and capital strength increases, they can enhance financial markets to provide more abundant supply of capital for financial markets further, and provides opportunities for innovation and development. Fourth is the promotion of the capital market. Depend on the financing system support to expand funding sources. Along with the further improvement of our country’s financial market, capital market, we can make a wish to develop regular financial institutions microfinance asset securitization to solve the problems of insufficient funds. Of course, this is just a preliminary idea in practice. There are many difficulties, such as the design, technology, management of the products and supervision the risk to prevent the asset securitization of microfinance, and they all need support of policy and mature capital market.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期
  • 【分类号】F832.4
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】914

