

The Study of Puppet Manchukuo’s Buddhism Policy during the Period of the Northeast China Be Occupied by Japan

【作者】 王天乐

【导师】 魏晓文;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 中国近现代史, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 “九·一八”事变后,我国东北地区沦为日本帝国主义的殖民地,并继而成立了伪满洲国这一傀儡政权,日伪当局开始了对东北地区全方位的殖民统治。为了巩固殖民政权,维护殖民统治,在对风起云涌的抗日斗争进行军事镇压的同时,日伪当局深感必须在武力手段之外对民众加以精神控制。隶属于精神文化范畴的宗教难于幸免,被迫屈从于日本帝国主义的侵略政策,充当了日伪当局对东北民众推行愚民政策与奴化统治的有效工具。佛教是东北地区有着重要影响力的宗教,不仅藏传佛教在蒙古民族地区有着重要影响,东北民众对于汉传佛教也有着广泛的信仰传统,同时自日俄战争以来的日本佛教在东北的频繁传教活动也使其成为一股不容小觑的力量。因而佛教自然成为日伪当局重点利用的对象,并由此出台了一系列的佛教政策。伪满洲国成立之后,日伪当局即通过设立各种类型的宗教管理机构以及颁布各项宗教法令来对佛教加以控制和改造。其佛教政策大致以全面抗战为界分为两个历史阶段,即“佛教王道”时期和“惟神之道”时期。在政策的实施上,日伪当局按照汉传佛教、藏传佛教、日系佛教三大不同教派分别采取了不同措施并各具特色。日伪当局的佛教政策是完全为帝国主义侵略服务的彻头彻尾的殖民教化与愚民行径,其实质是一种压制东北人民反抗思想的殖民性统治,具有极其浓厚的殖民色彩。日伪当局的佛教政策为维护殖民统治起了极大的辅助作用,同时也产生了极其恶劣的影响和危害,不仅欺骗了民众、操纵了信徒,消磨了东北人民的抗日意识,也对东北地区佛教的正常发展造成了极大的破坏。本文希望通过对相关史料的分析和研究,进一步认识日伪当局利用其佛教政策对东北民众进行宗教殖民统治的问题。同时希望通过本文能够进一步揭示日本帝国主义对我国的野蛮侵略以及给东北人民带来的深重灾难,驳斥日本右翼分子否认侵华历史的无耻谰言。

【Abstract】 Northeast China Region come down to the colony of Japanese imperialist after Mukden Incident, and then set up the puppet Manchukuo state, so the puppet government began a full range of colonial rule in the Northeast China. In order to consolidate colonial regime and maintain colonial rule, the puppet government cracked down on Anti-Japan War like a rising wind and scudding clouds, while the puppet government realized that the masses must be mind control besides military means. Religion that belonged to mental culture had to take a hit, and was forced to succumb to the Japanese imperialist aggression policy as an effective tool of obscurantisms and enslavement rule used by the puppet government.Buddhism had an important influence in the Northeast region, not only Tibetan Buddhism played an important role in Mongolia, but also the Northeast public had widespread belief in Chinese Buddhism. In the meantime, Japanese Buddhism because of frequent missionary work became a force to be reckoned with after the Russo-Japanese War. Consequently, Buddhism naturally became the largely used object by the puppet government, and unveiled a series of Buddhist policies. After the establishment of Manchukuo, the puppet government set up various types of religious authorities and promulgated religionary decrees to control and transform Buddhism. The Buddhist policies based largely on total resistance divided into two historical stages, "Buddhism kingly way" period and "Missionary work of Shinto" period.In the implementation of the policies, the puppet government adopted characteristic of different measures in accordance with Chinese Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, Japanese Buddhism. The puppet government’s Buddhist policies were the thorough colonial cultivation and obscurantism practices entirely servicing for imperialist aggression, and the essence was a kind of colonial rule that suppressed the thought of people of the Northeast China, so they had grumousinspissate colonial. The puppet government’s Buddhist policies played an enormous auxiliary part to maintain colonial rule, meanwhile, they generated very negative impact and hazard. Not only deceived the public, manipulated followers, and killed the Anti-Japanese consciousness of the people of the Northeast, but also caused tremendous damage to the normal development of Buddhism in the Northeast.This paper aims to analyze and research the relevant historical materials to further understand that the puppet government colonized the Northeast people using Buddhist policies. At the same time, this paper will further reveal the Japanese imperialist aggression against our country and the calamities of the Northeast people, to refute the Japanese right-wingers about denying the Japanese history of shameless babblings.

【关键词】 日本伪满洲国东北佛教
【Key words】 JapanPuppet ManchukouNortheast ChinaBuddhism

