

Preparation and Analysis of Thin Films for Solar Energy

【作者】 丁迪

【导师】 张贵锋;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 材料无损检测与评价, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 由于世界上化石能源面临枯竭的危险,迫使人们对新能源的开发与利用投入了大量的人力和物力,太阳能作为一种取之不尽、用之不竭的新能源引起了人们的兴趣。而且,太阳能是一种清洁的能源,利用太阳能不致引起环境污染。综合利用太阳能的研究是当前和长远的社会发展需要,也是科技工作者深感兴趣的重大研究课题。非晶硅是当前非晶半导体材料和器件的研究重点和核心。由于a-Si:H薄膜具有十分独特的物理性能和在制作工艺方面的加工优点,使它可用作大面积,高效率太阳能电池材料,大屏幕液晶显示器件等。与单晶硅等太阳电池相比,a-Si:H太阳电池在提高转换效率,降低成本和连续生产方面前景诱人。AlN属于III-V族化合物绝缘材料,是一种具有六方纤锌矿型晶体结构的宽能隙直接能带结构,在常温下禁带宽度Eg=6.2eV。AlN原子间以共价键结合,具有高的熔点,良好的化学稳定性和高的导热率,同时其热膨胀系数与硅相近,又具有低介电常数与介电损耗等性能,这使它在电子基板,半导体封装,电子组件散热等方面应用潜力无穷。由于氮化铝薄膜具有优异的压电特性及较高的表面声波波速,已成为发展高频声波组件的最佳材料。AlN宽禁带,同时与氮化镓晶格结构相同,有较少的晶格失配(Lattice mismatch2.4%),可作为半导体技术的绝缘层、保护层和缓冲层,可见AlN具有广泛的应用前景。采用热丝化学气相沉积方法,持续通入硅烷和氢气混合气体在聚亚酰胺衬底上生长了硅薄膜。用X射线衍射仪、泰勒台阶和原子力显微镜研究了不同气压、硅烷浓度和衬底温度等参数变化对薄膜生长速率、表面形貌和结构的影响规律。结果表明,生长的薄膜结构以非晶硅为主,随硅烷浓度的增大和衬底温度的升高,薄膜生长速率增加、薄膜的颗粒尺寸增大,表面更均匀。随着硅烷浓度的降低或衬底温度的升高,薄膜晶化程度增加。而工作气压对生长速率、薄膜形貌和微观结构的影响不明显。采用磁控溅射方法,在高纯氩气和氮气混合气氛下成功制备出Al(W)-AlN系太阳能选择性吸收薄膜。借助吸收光谱分析,比较了Al、W两种反射层材料上制备单层AlN和多层AlN薄膜的光谱吸收特性。结果表明:多层AlN薄膜比单层膜的吸收性能好;W比Al更适合做反射面材料,W-渐变型多层AlN膜系对太阳能的吸收率可达到80%以上。

【Abstract】 The crisis of exhaustion of fossil energy has motivated various seeking for alternative energy sources, which has cost tremendous labor and economic efforts. The study of utilization of solar energy, one of non-exhaustible and non-polluting energy sources, has great significance in the sustainable development of human society and drawn increasing interests from scientific researchers.The study of amorphous silicon is one of the core issues among the researches on amorphous semiconductor materials and devices. The a-Si:H film is one of typical killer-applications of amorphous silicon devices. Its unique physical characteristic and brilliant processability enables its usage as highly efficient photoelectric conversion material in broad solar cells and LCD monitor panels. Compared with its monocrystalline silicon counterpart, a-Si:H-based solar cell has a promising potential in terms of better conversion rate, lower manufacture cost and mass production.AlN is a insulation material of III-V compound, which is a hexagonal wurtzite crystal structure and has wide bandgap energy band. Its energygap is 6.2eV at nomal temperature. AlN atoms combine with covalent bonding. It has high melting point, good chemical stability and high thermal conductivity, while its thermal expansion coefficient is similar to silicon, and also has a low dielectric constant, dielectric loss and other properties. These characteristics made it have infinite potential in the fields of electronic substrates, semiconductor encapsulation, heat dissipation of electronic components and so on. As it have excellent piezoelectric characteristic and high velocity of surface acoustic wave(SAW), AlN has become the best materials that develop the subassembly high-frequency acoustic wave. Because of a wide band gap, the same lattice structure with GaN and less lattice mismatch, AlN can be used as the insulating layer, protective layer or buffer layer of semiconductor technology. All things show AlN has a extensive prospect of applicationAmorphous silicon films have been successfully synthesized on flexible substrate by HWCVD.The growth rate, surface morphology, and the microstructures of the films were studied using Taylor step tester, AFM, and XRD respectively. The results showed that increase of the silane concentration and the substrate temperature resulted in increases of the growth rate and the particle size of the films, and that also made the film surface more uniform. The crystallinity of the deposited films was enhanced by decreases of silane concentration or increases of the substrate temperature. The growth rate, film morphology, and microstructure are not sensitive to the deposition pressure. Al (W)-AlN selective absorption thin films have been successfully synthesized using magnetron sputtering technique under a mixed gas of high-purity nitrogen and argon. The optical absorption characteristics of single-layer or the multi-layer AlN thin films on the W and Al reflecting layer were compared through the analysis of the absorption spectra. The results indicated that the absorbency of the multi-layer AlN thin films is better than that of the single-layer, and W layer was more suitable to be used as reflecting material than Al layer. The absorptivity of the gradual change multi-layer AlN thin film on the W reflecting layer at full-wave band of solar spectra can be over 80%.


