

Water Resources Integrated Development and Utilization of Mining Subsidence Area

【作者】 刘佳

【导师】 许士国;

【作者基本信息】 大连理工大学 , 水文学及水资源, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 我国是世界上严重缺水的国家之一,面临着严重的水量型缺水和水质型缺水的双重压力,传统水资源的开发利用方式已经不能很好的解决水资源短缺问题。随着对非常规水资源利用的不断研究,除了对传统的水资源进行开源、节流外,开发利用非常规水资源成为解决水资源危机的重要途径。煤炭资源的大规模开采和利用,给人类带来巨大的经济效益的同时也对人们的生存环境造成了消极的影响。大规模的煤炭开采,常常导致大量采煤沉陷区出现和当地水资源紧缺与生态环境破坏,极大的限制了矿区的经济发展。因此,本文从雨洪资源利用的角度来解决采煤沉陷区治理问题,提出以蓄水、供水、湿地构造共同开发的沉陷区利用模式,提高地表水资源的开发利用率,实现水环境建设等综合治理目标。为采煤沉陷区的综合治理和水资源合理利用提供新的思路。本文以淮北采煤沉陷区为背景对采煤沉陷区水资源综合开发模式进行了研究,主要内容如下:(1)针对采煤深陷区水资源开发利用问题,阐述了国内外研究历程,并根据采煤沉陷区有库容无水源的特点,提出采煤沉陷区水资源开发利用模式。并从工程措施和非工程措施两方面对采煤沉陷区开发模式进行了分析。(2)针对沉陷区水源为河流的特性,利用河流水资源结构分析理论研究了河流不同类型的水量,为实现洪水资源化提供了理论支持,通过分析计算确定了研究区域洪水资源可利用量。(3)结合实例,采用系统分析法建立以沉陷区为中心的水资源输入、输出和蓄滞调节系统,利用实际长期水文资料进行水量平衡调节计算,得出该系统的供水需水计算成果,并提出沉陷区水资源的优化配置方案。

【Abstract】 China is a water-scarce country, traditional methods cannot solve the water shortage problem very well, and new water resources development and utilization will be the theme of water conservancy. In addition to the traditional source of water resources, development and utilization of unconventional water resources is undoubtedly a major way to solve the water crisis.Deep development of coal resources took great economic benefit while caused mining subsidence water resources depletion, soil damage and a series of ecological and environmental problems. This paper examines the matter from storm water harvesting angle to solve coal mining subsidence problem, promotes a utilization model combined with water supply, water storage, and building wetlands. It should raise the utilizations ratio of surface water, promotes a new thoughts to the research of Comprehensive treatment and rational utilization of water resources in the coal mining subsidence. The main contents of the thesis are as follows:(1) To solve coal mining subsidence problems, the paper describes its studies both in and abroad, proposes different modes of development and utilization of water resources to different conditions of the mining subsidence. Engineering and non-engineering measures are important initiatives to comprehensive utilization of water resources in such area.(2) In accordance with the main water source is river, the paper studies different types of water quantity based on the theory of river water resources structure, calculates the regional flood resources utilization quantity.(3) There is no water features for storage capacity in coal mining subsidence area, so system analysis method is used to establish water input, output and storage conditioning systems whose center is the coal mining subsidence. In using of real long-term hydrological data to regulate water balance calculation, the water supply and demand results of the system is derived. At last the paper proposes a rational disposition scheme of water resource.


