

Sustainable Control Techniques of Oulema Oryzae Kuwayama of Heilongjiang

【作者】 朱莹

【导师】 王丽艳;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江八一农垦大学 , 农药学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 水稻负泥虫是黑水稻为害性较强害虫之一,在黑龙江省发生和危害程度呈逐渐上升趋势。长期的化学防治出现了农药残留、污染环境以及破坏生态系统等一系列问题。筛选高效、低毒、低残留杀虫剂和探求新的无污染的防治途径是目前和急待解决的问题。本文从水稻负泥虫的生态学及水稻对其抗性的关系入手,研究了温度对水稻负泥虫生长发育的影响、水稻不同品种对水稻负泥虫的抗性、水稻负泥虫胁迫下水稻不同品种生理响应、水稻负泥虫对水稻不同品种及次生物质的嗅觉反应及防治水稻负泥虫的杀虫剂筛选等内容,并初步提出了水稻负泥虫可持续控制策略,此研究将为为水稻负泥虫的综合治理提供理论依据。研究结果如下:1.温度对水稻负泥虫生长发育的影响:温度为为14、18、22、26和30℃,光周期为14L:10D,相对湿度为85%条件下,研究了水稻负泥虫各虫态发育起点温度和有效积温。水稻负泥虫卵、幼虫、蛹的发育起点温度分别为8.39℃、7.20℃和7.23℃,有效积温分别为53.01、118.31和122.63日·度。建立了发育速度、发育历期的理论模型,同时得到水稻负泥虫各个虫龄发育起点温度和有效积温的拟合方程。2.本研究选择黑龙江主栽的6个水稻品种,对水稻负泥虫进行抗性试验。结果表明,绥粳4号为抗虫品种;丰园2号和空育131为中抗品种;垦鉴5号和稻花香2号是感虫品种;05345为中感品种。3.以水稻-水稻负泥虫为研究模式,通过测定水稻负泥虫取食和机械损伤情况下水稻叶片光合速率、蒸腾速率的变化特点,水稻植株体内叶绿素、蛋白质、游离脯氨酸、可溶性糖的时间变化及保护性酶活性的变化动态,分析寒地水稻抗虫、感虫品种对水稻负泥虫为害胁迫下的应答反应能力及其与机械损伤的异同。结果表明,水稻负泥虫诱导和机械损伤水稻植株,96h后抗虫品种和感虫品种的光合速率均显著下降;虫害诱导下,抗虫品种和感虫品种的蒸腾速率与对照比并无显著变化;机械损伤后,抗虫品种和感虫品种蒸腾速率比对照显著增加;水稻负泥虫取食和机械损伤处理,水稻抗虫和感虫品种植株内蛋白质和可溶性糖的含量均比对照降低,游离脯氨酸的含量均比对照增加,蛋白质和游离脯氨酸的变化趋势均与水稻受害程度和时间成正相关。水稻可溶性糖的含量的变化波动较大。水稻负泥虫取食和机械损伤情况下,不同抗性品种水稻植株内POD、SOD、CAT保护性酶活性和MDA的变化动态是:POD、CAT和MDA的变化呈现出先升高然后降低趋于一致,SOD活性持续增强。除抗虫品种MDA含量比对照降低外,水稻负泥虫取食为害导致抗、感水稻植株中3种酶的活性均比未处理对照增加,但达到显著差异水平的时间不尽相同。通过比较分析发现,水稻负泥虫取食24h和48h抗虫品种引起的CAT活性变化明显高于感虫品种,可以用来鉴定水稻对水稻负泥虫的抗性;另外供试的3种酶都不能界定虫害和机械伤害间的差异。本研究为水稻负泥虫抗、耐品种的筛选以及水稻负泥虫胁迫下水稻的生理应答机制研究提供了理论依据。4.在实验室条件下用四臂嗅觉仪分别测定了水稻负泥虫对水稻不同品种及水稻不同品种三种不同处理下次生物质的趋性。结果表明,水稻负泥虫对2个水稻品种有明显的趋向反应。表现为600 s内,水稻负泥虫在各处理区的滞留时间比对照区的滞留时间明显延长,二者之间差异显著。试验测定了水稻负泥虫幼虫、成虫对不同品种的健康水稻叶片以及对机械损伤叶片、水稻负泥虫取食叶片的行为反应,机械损伤能诱导水稻叶片产生防御,明显的减少了幼虫的取食,感虫品种稻花香2号与抗虫品种绥粳4号差异极显著。水稻次生物对水稻负泥虫成虫有较强的驱避作用,表现为300 s内,水稻负泥虫成虫在各处理区的滞留时间比对照区的滞留时间明显减少,且差异显著,且滞留时间随着次生物量的增加而延长,水稻次生物质对水稻负泥虫幼虫驱避效果不明显。5.选用6种常用杀虫剂对水稻负泥虫进行了室内毒力测定和大田药效试验,结果表明: 6种药剂对水稻负泥虫的毒力为:0.3%印楝素乳油>4.5%氯氰菊酯>2.5%溴氰菊酯>1.5%阿维菌素>10%吡虫啉>90%敌百虫;田间防效均很稳定,6种药剂最高防效都达到80%以上。

【Abstract】 In recent years, Oulema oryzae damage strong and damage degree of the ascendant trend in Heilongjiang.A single chemical control measure has little effect for long time,and result in many questions,such as:pesticide residues,environmental pollution,destruction between ecological blance and biological diversity.It cause many concers that sreening of low toxicity and low-residue pesticides,or finding of a new non-polluting,non-nusisance prevention and control method.In this article, From the ecology of Oulema oryzae and the relationship between its resistance to Oulema oryzae .Study the effects of temperature on the growth and development of Oulema oryzae, resistance of different rice by Oulema oryzae, changes of physiological response of different rice feeded by Oulema oryzae, selectivity of different rice and secondary compounds by Oulema oryzae, evaluation of several insecticides to control Oulema oryzae,and sustainable control tactics of Oulema oryzae are studied for comprehensive control of Oulema oryzae. Research results are as follows:1.The developmental threshold temperature and effective accumulated temperature of Oulema oryzae was studied ,under the conditions of treatments of six levels of constant temperature(14, 18, 22, 26, 30℃)and photoperiod (14L:10D), relative humidity of 85%.Oulema oryzae egg, larva, pupa developmental threshold temperatures were 8.39℃, 7.20℃and 7.23℃, effective accumulated temperature, respectively 53.01,118.31 and 122.63 days·degree.The theoretical model of development speed and development duration was established,while get the fitting equation of developmental threshold temperature and effective accumulated temperature of Oulema oryzae.2. This study 6 varieties of rice in heilongjiang.And make test for resistance by Oulema oryzae.Results that Suijing4 is resistance varieties. Fengyuan2 and Kongyun131 are intermediate resistance varieties. Kenjiandao5 and Daohuaxiang2 are sensibility varieties and no significant differences between them. 05345 is intermediate sensibility.3. As a pattern of interaction between rice plants and Oulema oryzae, three physiological indexes were surveyed under Oulema oryzae feeding and simple mechanical damage to uncover physiological response of rice plants feed by Oulema oryzae and difference between two treatments, including total protein, free proline and soluble sugar.Results that under the insect feeding and mechanical damage after 96h, photosynthetic rate greaterdropinyield between resistance varieties and sensibility varieties;Under herbivore stress, transpiration rate are non-significant change between resistance varieties and sensibility varieties;Under mechanical damage,transpiration rate are significant change between resistance varieties and sensibility varieties;Under herbivore stress and mechanical damage,protein and soluble sugar reduced than contrast,proline increased than contrast,change trend of protein and proline are positive correlated with time.The soluble sugar changes larger fluctuation.As an object of the interaction between rice and Oulema oryzae, four enzymes activity of rice variety with different resistance to Oulema oryzae under the insect feeding and mechanical damages were investigated, including POD, SOD, CAT and MDA . Among them, SOD activity was gone up with continuous stages, others showed the similar change with weave crest in middle stage. Besides MDA in resistance rice was lower than the contrast, others were higher, however the significant difference of enzymes activity between treatment and contrast were achieved at different stages. Through the comparative analysis, CAT index could be used to identify the variety resistance to Oulema oryzae, because the activity was higher in the resistance variety than the sensitive variety in the course of insect feeding.All four enzymes were failed to distinguish difference between insect feeding and mechanical damage.4. Under laboratory conditions, using four-arm olfactometer were determined in rice Oulema oryzae larvae, adults of different damage, different rice varieties of olfactory response. The results showed that rice oulema these three kinds of rice varieties tend to have a clear response. Performance for 600s, the rice Oulema oryzae treatment area at the retention time than that of the control area was significantly longer residence time,that significant differences between the two. Test rice Oulema oryzae larvae, adults of different species of rice leaf and cut leaf damage, insect feeding, such as inducible factor-treatment of leaves of different rice varieties behavioral responses. Mechanical damage can be induced in rice leaves defense, a clear decrease of the feeding larvae. Insect-resistant varieties of rice varieties and Suijing 4 significant difference to determine the varieties of rice varieties of Daohuaxiang 2 for the flu bug.Under laboratory conditions, using four-arm olfactometer were determined in secondary compounds of four varieties and three kinds of damage of rice by Oulema oryzae.The results showed that preference or avoid of secondary compounds by Oulema oryzae for 300 s, Oulema oryzae adult in treatment retention more time than control, and significant difference, and as retention more time as more secondary compounds, that effect of larvae is not obvious. This research for resistance to rice variety screening of pesticides and the physiological responses under the stress of Oulema oryzae mechanism provides theory basis.5. With six kinds of pesticides in cold region Oulema oryzae conducted a determination of toxicity and field efficacy tests.Results that: The six kinds of pesticides toxicity from high to low was 0.3% Azadirachta indica,4.5% Cypermethrin in, 2.5% Decamethrin, 1.5% Avermectins, 10% Imidacloprid, 90% Dipterex;The field efficacy tests is very stable,six kinds of pesticides achieves 80%.


