

The Influence and Effection of Biomass on Soybean Symbiosis

【作者】 王智慧

【导师】 崔战利;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江八一农垦大学 , 土壤学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 本试验以黑钙土为供试土壤,采用室外盆栽试验、田间小区试验、室内检验分析的方法研究了几种不同生物质对土著根瘤菌、丛枝菌根真菌与大豆双共生体系及相关指标的影响。主要试验结果如下:1.通过考查秸秆、土豆皮、食用菌废弃料、大豆浸出液四种生物质的施入对大豆双共生影响的田间试验,秸秆处理在四种生物质中效果最好。秸秆处理在V5期显著增加了土壤中AMF孢子数量和根际土壤真菌数量,到R3期,土壤中AMF孢子数量、根际土壤真菌数量、AMF侵染率、根可溶性糖含量均达最大值且高于其它处理,R6期有效根瘤数大幅增加且达最大值,根际土壤细菌数量增加,植株干物质积累也较多,同时显著提高了大豆产量。大豆浸出液处理在整个生育期有效根瘤数量、根系AMF侵染率、土壤中AMF孢子数、土壤微生物都显著高于对照,但由于播种前浸种导致产量相对较低。食用菌废弃料和土豆皮处理仅在R6期AMF侵染率显著高于其它处理。2.通过田间试验研究秸秆和不同施肥量对大豆双共生的影响发现,有秸秆组有效根瘤数、有效根瘤重、根系AMF侵染率和土壤中AMF孢子数均显著高于无秸秆组,表明秸秆对双共生系统十分有利。施肥量因素表现为中肥处理较低肥、高肥处理更有利于有效根瘤数、有效根瘤重、AMF侵染率,土壤中AMF孢子数的提高,因此适量的施肥有助于双共生系统的建立。6个处理中,无秸秆中肥对大豆双共生及大豆产量的影响要明显好于无秸秆低肥和无秸秆高肥。中肥有秸秆处理对整个生育期根瘤的形成均有显著促进作用,对有效根瘤重、AMF侵染率、土壤中AMF孢子数、可溶性糖含量均有一定促进作用。高肥有秸秆处理对有效根瘤重和AMF孢子数有一定抑制作用。3.通过室外盆栽试验,考查秸秆、吸胀萌动温度、处理液(清水、DHG、DHG粗提液、染料木素)三因素对大豆双共生系统的影响及效应。我们发现,有秸秆处理在有效根瘤数、AMF侵染率、土壤中AMF孢子数、土壤细菌、土壤真菌、植株氮、磷含量、株高、单株粒数以及单株产量[0]各项指标都显著或极显著高于无秸秆处理。吸胀萌动期低温处理对根瘤的形成、土壤中AMF孢子数量、植株中氮、磷含量有一定抑制作用,但对有效根瘤干重、AMF侵染率、土壤微生物数量、植株中钾含量、单株粒数、百粒重、单株产量无显著影响。四种处理液中DHG、DHG粗提液和纯品对双共生都有一定促进作用,显著增加了有效根瘤数量、AMF侵染率、土壤中AMF孢子数进而提高了产量,考虑纯品价格昂贵,DHG粗提液制备繁琐成本高,建议利用即经济又有效的DHG与秸秆配施来提高大豆性状及产量。

【Abstract】 In this experiment, as tested chernozem soil, using outdoor pot experiment, field experiment, the analysis method of indoor testing several different biomass of indigenous rhizobia, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in symbiosis with the soybean and related indicators effects. Main results are as follows:1. By looking at straw, potato skins, edible waste material, soybean extract liquid was applied to four types of biomass effects on soybean field experiment double symbiosis, we found that in V5 of straw significantly increased the number of AMF spores and fungi in rhizosphere soil number, to the R3 phase, AMF spore number of rhizosphere soil fungi, AMF infection rate, root soluble sugar content reached the maximum and higher than others, R6 significant increase in the number of effective nodules and reached its maximum rhizosphere soil increase in the number of bacteria, plant dry matter accumulation of more and also significantly increased soybean yield, biomass at the four best.Extracts of soybean processing in the whole growing number of effective nodules, root AMF colonization rate, AMF spores were significantly higher than the control soil, but the output is not high, indicating that the double symbiosis of soybean leachate have stimulated a relatively low yield is due to seed soaking before sowing lead. Mushroom potato skin waste material handling and processing only in the R6 of AMF infection rate was significantly higher than other treatments.2. A field experiment of straw and different fertilizer effects on soybean double symbiosis found that straw group effective nodule number, effective nodules, root AMF colonization rate and the AMF spores in soil were significantly higher than those without straw group, that straw on the dual symbiotic system is very beneficial. Fertilization factors reflected in the low fertilizer fertilizer, high fertilizer more conducive to effective nodules, nodule weight effectively, AMF colonization rate, AMF spore numbers increase, so the right amount of fertilizer will help double the establishment of the symbiotic system. Six treatments, without straw group, double symbiosis and fertilizer on soybean yield of soybean is significantly better than low-fat and high fat.the fertilizer with straw on the growth of nodule formation was significantly stimulated.Effective nodule weight, AMF colonization rate, spore, soluble sugar content, have a certain role in promoting. High fertilizer treatment on the effective nodules with straw weight and number of AMF spores are inhibited, which is due to the high nitrogen fertilizer than the fixed limit of straw to inhibit soybean symbiotic development and function of the play, thereby affecting the yield increase.3. Through the outdoor pot experiment, examine the straw, imbibed germinating temperature, processing liquid (water, DHG, DHG crude extract, pure genistein) three factors on soybean symbiotic system of double and effect. We found that straw in effective nodules, AMF infection rate of AMF spores in soil, soil bacteria, soil fungi, nitrogen, phosphorus content, plant height, seed number per plant and yield per plant were significant indicators or very significantly higher than those without straw.Imbibition of low temperature on soybean germination growth, nodule formation, AMF spore number in soil, plant nitrogen, phosphorus, plant traits and yield are inhibited, but the number on the soil, can promote the role of potassium. Four kinds of treatment solution and pure DHG and the role of double symbiotic best, significantly increased the number of effective nodules, AMF infection rate of AMF spores in soil and thus increase the number of grains per plant, yield, consider the pure expensive propose to use the economical and effective to improve soybean traits DHG and yield.


