

Study on the Relative Factors of Osteoporosis in Old Women

【作者】 高远

【导师】 刘娅;

【作者基本信息】 吉林大学 , 营养与食品卫生学, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 骨质疏松症是以骨量减少、骨的微观结构退化为特征的致使骨的脆性增加以及易于发生骨折的一种全身性骨骼疾病。随着社会的进步、经济的发展、人民生活水平的提高,人均期望寿命普遍延长,老年女性的医疗卫生保健问题已成为一个重要的社会问题。而骨质疏松症是绝经后老年女性的常见病、多发病。它严重地威胁着老年女性的身体健康,由此引起的骨折除了给患者造成极大的痛苦外,对社会和家庭也带来了沉重的经济和生活负担。本研究抽取长春市汽车产业开发区共1235名老年女性进行问卷调查,问卷内容包括老年女性人口社会学特征、健康相关行为、初潮年龄、绝经年龄、生育次数、主诉现病史、主诉既往病史,同时进行骨密度及身高、体重、血压的测量。旨在了解长春市汽车产业开发区老年女性的骨质疏松症患病情况及其相关因素,为老年女性的疾病预防及治疗提供理论依据。调查结果显示,老年女性的骨质疏松症患病率高;高龄、生育次数较多、吸烟、绝经年数较多是骨质疏松症的危险因素。经常活动、经常摄入钙和VitD含量较高的食物、高体质指数(BMI)是骨质疏松症的保护因素。骨质疏松症已成为危害老年女性健康的慢性疾病,减少骨质疏松症的患病率不仅可以改善老年女性的生活质量,提高老年女性的健康水平,还可以减轻社会和家庭的生活和经济负担。

【Abstract】 BackgroundAs the decline of birth rate, death rate , longer life expectancy ,social development and the increased productivity, aging has become the inevitable result of development of human society. According to the UN survey, China has entered the ranks of aging society in 1999, in which the elderly population is already close to or more than 10%. Province Jilin had been an aging society early in 2003. With age, the elderly’s health status and ability to self-care were reduced, chronic disease and disability prevalence rate increased.With old women aging,their bodily functions continue to decline,especially after menopause,physical fitness is not optimistic,their health status can not be ignored.Osteoporosis is a common and frequently-occurring disease in postmenopausal elderly women. It is a serious threat to the health of older women, resulting fractures in addition to patients with great suffering, also brought a heavy burden on the economy and life of social and family. ObjectiveTo explore relative factors of osteoporosis in old women, in order to provide a theoretical basis for early osteoporosis prevention and treatment for old women. On osteoporosis risk factors analysis,a theoretical basis was provided for prevention and treatment of osteoporosis.Bone mineral density database is gradually built around our country. Because bone mineral density around with their own characteristics, rules, Changchun as the provincial capital of Province Jilin, there is no established large-scale bone mineral density database. Therefore, this research is about osteoporosis-related factors of 1235 elderly women in Changchun Automobile Industrial Development Zone, in order to provide a theoretical basis for elderly women with osteoporosis treatment and prevention. MethodsThe survey was organized by physicians of Bone Metabolism Laboratory of Fourth Hospital of Jilin University? General Hospital of FAW. Investigators unifiedly understood the problem of questionnaire , explained the significance of this investigation, obtained the consent of the survey, according to questionnaire, interviews was conducted by field surveys, questionnaires was completed by the interviewer. Investigation included the female aged population sociological characteristics, health-related behavior, menarche age, menopause age, number of births, the chief complaint of present and past illness history. At the same time professional and technical personnel determined ulna and radius bone mineral density by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA),using the U.S. Osteometer Medi Tech produced DTX-200 bone mineral density measuring instrument. And height, weight and blood pressure were measured.ResultsWill be investigated 1235 elderly women were divided into 3 groups by age which were 60 and over group, aged 65 and over group and 70 years and over group, showed that the proportion of elderly women of three groups was approaching. In marital status, there is even a high percentage of older women having spouse, reaching 72.1%, the divorce rate is very low, reaching 4.9%, however, if older women was widowed or divorced , the proportion of married women was only 21.4% .In the types of work, 65.8% of older women was workers before the retirement. In economic conditions, older women whose monthly income was less than 1,500 yuan accounted for 91.9%, the overall view of older women’s income is not ideal. Old women surveyed generally has low education level, 41.1% of older women with illiteracy and primary school education only. Older women living with their spouses and children has high proportion, reaching 80.7%.The osteoporosis prevalence of 1235 cases of elderly women aged 60 and above of the Changchun Automobile Industrial Development Zone derived from bone mineral density measurements was 34.2%, the overall prevalence of osteoporosis is higher.Age , frequency of procreation ,whether take in marine products and milk frequently, whether smoking or not, postmenopausal years, activity amount and BMI were correlated with bone mass composition(P<0.05). Present medical history and past medical history were correlated with bone mass composition(P<0.05).Aging,over birth,smoking and more menopause years are risk factors for OP. Regular activity,frequent intake of milk and marine product and high body mass index(BMI)are protective factor for OP.Non-condition logistic regressive analysis demonstrates that age(OR=1.066) and postmenopausal years (OR=1.057) were negatively correlated with osteoporosis , BMI (OR<1)were positively correlated with osteoporosis.Conclusions1.The osteoporosis prevalence in older women who were surveyed was 34.2%, higher than a nationwide survey in 2002, in which the prevalence of osteoporosis reached 12.4%.2.Aging,over birth,smoking and more menopause years are risk factors for OP.3.Regular activity,frequent intake of food which has a lot of calcium and VitD are protective factor for OP.4. High body mass index(BMI)are protective factor for OP.

【关键词】 骨质疏松骨密度绝经
【Key words】 OsteoporosisBone densityMenopause
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 吉林大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 09期

